Page 91 of Something like Love

As Quinn bites his lip, his eyes zeroing in on my nipples, I lean forward and place my trembling palm on his cheek. “This changes everything.”

Quinn blinks, and the fear is reflected in his tender eyes. “I’m sorry I’m not the man you thought I was.”

“No, you’re not,” I confess, and Quinn lowers his head, ashamed.

“You’re more.” I cup his cheek and coax him to look at me.

“What?” he gasps as he searches my face for answers.

“You’re everything I want. What you just told me shows me who you really are.”

“And who’s that?” he asks, beseeching me to give him the answer he’s been searching for his entire life.

Slowly clutching the hem of his shirt and slipping it over his head, I gently rub my finger over the hoop in his nipple.

As I watch his skin break out into goose bumps, I whisper, “You’re you, Quinn. Nothing’s changed. And that man, whether he believes it or not, is a good man. And he’s the man I will want with my last breath.”

I bend forward, kissing his trembling lips.

Quinn willingly returns the kiss, and I gently slip my hands between us so I can unbuckle his belt, making my intentions clear.

“Red, stop,” he pants, pulling his hips away. “I don’t have a condom.”

But I wouldn’t have this any other way.

With his confession, I want no more barriers between us. I just want it to be Mia and Quinn.

“I don’t care,” I whisper, lying down and slowly slipping off my black underwear.

Quinn watches the movement, and I can see his inner turmoil.

But I’m so sick of what’s right and what’s wrong. I’m sick of abiding by other people’s rules because all I want to do is live.

And this, right now, is the most I’ve ever felt alive.

Some may call it irresponsible, but I call it living. And after living my entire life in darkness, I’ve finally found the light.

I don’t plan on getting lost in the dark ever again.

Reaching forward, I run my fingers along his ribs, tracing his tattoo. “We make our own fate.” I now finally understand the meaning behind his ink. “Let me be yours.”

And that’s all it takes as I watch his resolve slowly slip away.

When he slides off his jeans, I nervously gulp because seeing him naked is a sight that takes my breath away.

“This might hurt a little,” he whispers, lowering his warm body onto mine.

“It’s okay,” I reply, wrapping my hands around his neck as I open my legs to allow him to slip inside.

“I’ll go slow.”

I nod, my body trembling in fear but also in need.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers, kissing my chin while I feel him slip a finger inside me, testing to see if I’m ready.

When he slips in another, he knows that I am.

“I don’t deserve you,” he says, his long hair caressing my cheeks as he nips at my jaw. “But I want you. I’ve wanted you from the first moment I saw you.”