Page 52 of Something like Love

“I’m okay, Mia,” Tristan coos, placing a warm hand over mine, interlacing our fingers, and with the other, he gently removes my mask.

My eyes focus on our union, and tears spill down my cheeks because his hands took part in saving my life, in saving me. These hands belong to a selfless man who has already risked so much for me, yet here he is, consoling me and telling me everything is okay.

A sob tears from my throat, and I unexpectedly throw myself into his arms. Thankfully, he catches me, crushing me to his chest.

Pressing my nose into his neck, I inhale his unique fragrance and weep because the memories of who I was when I first met him and who I am now haunt me. I know I’m free from who I was, thanks to him.

“Thank you,” I whisper, my arms encircling his neck, never wanting to let him go.

“It’s okay. Everything will be okay,” he replies softly, rubbing my back. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you, too,” I confess, sobbing into his shoulder. “I can’t believe you’re really here.”

“Me either…I can’t stay away from you.” He quickly corrects himself. “I mean, I couldn’t stay away from you, knowing what’s happening.”

I don’t have the energy to read too much into his admission because I’m so damn happy he’s here.

After a minute or two of being in his arms, I no longer feel cold—I feel warm, and I also feel complete. My family is slowly coming together, and I wouldn’t trade the feeling for anything.

“Sorry for the PDA.” I sniff, unwrapping myself from his body and wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

He chuckles with a shrug, rewarding me with his trademark dimpled smile. “Don’t mention it.”

It doesn’t feel weird that I threw myself at Tristan because this is how we were back home. But now, now because of Quinn and me, I should maybe hold back on my enthusiasm.

Scanning our surroundings, oblivious to my inner thoughts, Tristan asks, “Where’s Quinn?”

I bite my lip, ashamed that I allowed myself to forget about him for a split second, and reply, “I don’t know. I was actually out here looking for him.”

“He’s not around?” he asks, furrowing his brow.

“No,” I reply, shaking my head. “I’ve looked everywhere, but I can’t find him.”

“I’m sure he’s here somewhere. Have you looked upstairs?”

“No, I didn’t get a chance.”

“Let me go look. You do another sweep down here, and we’ll meet back in ten minutes, okay?” Tristan says, giving me a small smile. “He’s fine, Mia.”

I nod because he’s right. I know I’m just overreacting, but I won’t calm down until I know where the hell he is.

“Okay, see you soon,” Tristan says, putting his mask back on and giving me a dimpled smile over his shoulder before pushing through the crowd.

I watch him disappear into the sea of people and let out a shaky breath. I need a minute to compose myself before I go back out there. I still have a sinking feeling that something sinister has happened to Quinn.

Turning to look over the railing, deep in thought, I still can’t believe Tristan is here. I know that’s selfish, but having him here brings back all the memories of our good times together and also of Hank. Tristan brings back memories that sometimes I too easily forget.

Wiping the stolen tear that falls from my heavy eyes, I take one final look at the twinkling lights, feeling collected enough to go out there and not break down. I push off the railing, but suddenly, the hair on the back of my neck stands on end. I feel as if I’ve swallowed a bucket of acid, and it’s quickly eating away at my soul.

Instinct kicks in, and I instantly reach for my knife. Of course, it’s tucked away upstairs because I carelessly let my guard down for one fucking night.

A hand painfully seizes my arm to stop me from turning around and taking a swing. I know without a doubt that I’m trapped when that hand ensnares my waist, thrusting me backward and holding me prisoner.

Everything at this moment is heightened.

Every sound is amplified.

Every single disgusting memory of my past overloads my senses, and I almost black out, unable to take the pain.