Page 123 of Something like Love

Holding up my hand, I gesture that it’s now my turn to talk.

Phil sighs, nodding as he lowers the gun from Abi’s temple.

Taking a deep breath, I feel like I’m going to hurl with what I’m about to say. “I’ll be your…whore,” I spit out, feeling dirty and unclean that those words ever left my lips.

But I have no other choice than to offer Phil a deal he can’t say no to, because this is what started my demise, and now it’s time to end it.

As I watch Phil’s eyes darken in hunger, I know I’ve won. And so does Quinn.

“I’ll be your drug bitch, and I’ll be your whore. You own me, Phil. You’ve won. I won’t try to run or fight you. I’ll do whatever you want me to do. I’m yours.”

Quinn’s pained gasp has the final piece of my broken heart collapsing within me because I once promised him the same thing not too long ago. But no matter what I do, who I screw over, and who I fuck, my heart will always belong to him.

“Deal,” Phil quickly says, his smile disgustingly big.

“And I have your word that Quinn will be free? I’m sure you know how to make the charges against him go away,” I say, ensuring this sacrifice will exempt my family from further pain.

“You have my word.” Phil nods, and I know it may seem stupid to believe a liar and a cheat like Phil, but he has more to lose by going back on his word than sticking to it.

“Fine, let’s do this. Let her go.”

Phil steeples his fingers in front of his lips, looking deep in concentration. “I still don’t trust she’ll tell her father,” he says, flicking her braid with the muzzle of his gun.

“You can trust her.” I nod, encouraging her to say yes as I walk toward her. “Because if she doesn’t, we’re all dead.”

Abi snivels, and I hate that I’ve put her into this awful position.

“It’ll be okay,” I whisper, placing my hands on her tearstained cheeks.

I barely contain the sob caught in my throat as it’s been so long since I’ve been this close to her. “Thank you for everything. I’ll never forget you.”

I lean forward, giving her a tight hug.

She weeps into my shoulder, and this time around, I allow a tear to fall because it’ll be the last I ever shed.

Reluctantly, I let her go and turn my eyes to Quinn.

I will not cry because I can’t show him how weak and scared I feel. I want our last memory together to consist of love and adoration, not fear and pain.

“I love you.”

“This isn’t goodbye,” he stubbornly says as he turns over his shoulder, looking directly at the front window where Tristan stands.

Just as I’m about to call out to him to stop, the front door opens, and out comes Cynthia, hands raised in surrender. Polly and Tristan follow closely, mimicking her stance.

“They’ve got nothing to do with this!” I cry, turning to Phil as I see him leering at them, pleased he has more people to control.

“Oh, I beg to differ.” He steps forward, opening his arms to Cynthia. “Sister, it’s so good to see you.”

When she hesitates, he demands, “Come down here and give your brother a hug. Now.”

I flinch at the hardness behind his request. This is not an act of love—it’s an act of power. And Cynthia knows it, too.

She slowly descends the stairs, taking measured steps as she walks toward the man she once called brother.

It takes all my willpower not to reach out and stop her from making this mistake because once she’s in his clutches, he’ll never let her go.

Quinn places his hand on my forearm, holding me back because seeing Cynthia in the hands of this monster burns my throat raw.