Page 110 of Something like Love

Pulling out of his embrace when I’ve calmed down somewhat, I seek out the person who has created this clusterfuck of events.

The moment she sees me hunting her down, she has the audacity to laugh. And if I didn’t know any better, I’d say she looks fucking high.

“Red,” Quinn implores, latching onto my arm to stop me from delivering my reckoning.

But I shrug him off and storm over to her, ready to rip out her hair.

“Are you fucking high?” I roar, clutching her biceps and shaking her wildly.

She only laughs in my face, and her untroubled attitude enrages me to breaking point.

“You selfish little bitch!” I scream, my fingernails digging into her skin. “What is the matter with you? Do you know what you’ve done? Do you even care?”

I vaguely hear Quinn telling me to let her go, but I can’t because I’m not in control of my actions right now.

All the pain, rage, frustration, anger, hurt, everything comes bubbling to the surface, and there’s no way I’m going to let her go. She needs to understand that every action has repercussions, and her self-centered actions have cost us all.

“You think this is funny?” I spit, infuriated when she just continues to cackle, thinking this is all some big joke.

I know that’s probably the E she took, but I’m about to smack the ecstasy right out of her.

“You make me sick,” I snarl, letting her go as I shove her backward. “You think this is all a game? This is our lives you’re fucking with! Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t just leave you here and let you fend for yourself when the wolves come.”

Polly’s eyes widen, and she quickly shuts her mouth when reality kicks in. “I didn’t think.”

She hiccups, her high slowly fading.

“That’s your fucking problem. You never do! You think Phil and Thomas will go easy on you because you’re a kid? You think Phil cares that you’re his niece? He will have absolutely no qualms about exploiting you and breaking you down until you beg for a reprieve. And by reprieve, I mean be his fucking slave! He doesn’t care, Polly—trust me, I know,” I spit, getting into her face as I watch her lower lip tremble.

“He didn’t care that I was a virgin when he organized for some asshole to take away my innocence,” I painfully reveal, and Polly gasps, a wavering hand covering her mouth.

“I didn’t know,” she whispers, tears stinging her eyes.

“Of course you didn’t! You’ve got your head so far up your ass, reality has been replaced by your fantasy world where you think the universe revolves around you. Well, you need a reality check because shit is about to get real! You think it’s fun to get high?” I snarl, gripping her cheeks in my fingers and pursing her lips like a goldfish.

She struggles to pull out of my hold, but I only squeeze tighter until she whimpers under the pressure.

“You want me to show you what happens when you get high?” I threaten, letting her go.

She quickly shakes her head, but it’s too late.

Taking a step backward, I jam my finger into my chest. “You’ll turn into me! I watched my father shoot up, snort, fucking ingest drug after drug, and although I never once touched the shit, I felt like I was high for my entire life because surely, this messed-up reality, this reality which was mine, had to be some drug-induced coma.

“But it wasn’t. It was my reality. Don’t let it be yours,” I say, and sadness overtakes my rage. “You’re sixteen. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you.

“Stop wasting it, and just be a kid and…live. Be happy. Do what I couldn’t do, Polly—live. Live for me and be free,” I cry, tears sliding down my cheeks.

She breaks down as she slumps onto the cold ground, sobbing into her hands.

Whether she’s coming down or whether my pep talk knocked some sense into her, I’ll never know. But whatever the cause, I can only hope she’ll never get high again.

I wake incredibly hot, but I’m too tired to move.

I don’t know what time it is, or where we are, but I know the warm body lying beside me belongs to Quinn.

No doubt he put me to bed after I passed out. I’ve been out for the count ever since my breakdown.

I know tonight has changed things, and although Polly is mostly to blame, so am I.