Page 82 of Something like Love

Tristan runs a hand through his hair, also looking worse for wear. “We have, and that’s held him off…until now.”

At that precise moment, the car engine roars to life, startling both Tristan and me.

“Shit,” I curse, pushing past Tristan and flying down the staircase.

As I shove the back door open, I’m blinded by bright headlights. Giving my eyes a moment to adjust, I shield them and run madly toward the car.

“Get out!” I spit, reaching for the handle, but the door is locked. “Quinn, get out of the car!”

I glare at him, but he won’t look my way and only stares vacantly straight ahead through the windshield.


But his only response is him stepping on the gas and loudly revving the engine, drowning out my pleas.

“Listen to her. You’re in no state to drive. Get out before you hurt yourself.”

Tristin’s comment only infuriates Quinn further. “I’m fine. Now move.”

I really wish he would stop saying he’s fine when he’s clearly not fine.

“What has gotten into you?” I yell, bashing on the window in frustration because I have no clue what the hell is wrong with him.

As Quinn’s mouth tips up into a sinister smile, I feel the tiny hairs on my arms prickle in panic. “You really want to know?”

“Yes, you asshole, tell me!”

“You,” he snarls, his foot revving the gas. “You’re taking over every fiber of my body, and I’m drowning.”

I take a step back, startled by his confession.

But when he doesn’t elaborate and simply turns to stare blankly out the windshield once again, I snap.

“What have I done?” I cry, fruitlessly attempting to open the locked door. “Talk to me!”

“Mia, leave him,” Tristan says, pulling my hand away from the handle. He can see this is a losing battle.

I cringe at his unintended inept comment but sag against him, utterly defeated because Quinn is being an absolute dick.

As Tristan wraps one arm loosely around my shoulder, the gesture doesn’t go unnoticed by Quinn, and he quickly turns, scowling at our union.

But that was Tristan’s intention all along because as soon as Quinn is distracted, Tristan suddenly shoves me out of the way, and out of nowhere, he smashes a rock straight through the window.

He must have grabbed the rock when I was pleading with Quinn, as he too saw that there was no way we were getting Quinn out without excessive force.

Quinn is just as stunned as I am, but it’s game on as Tristan reaches into a hole where the window once was and yanks Quinn out.

I’m pushed to the ground in the scuffle and watch in absolute horror as Quinn and Tristan are about to kill one another and anyone who stands in their way. They circle each other like two caged fighters, ready to brawl till the bitter end.

But I can’t allow that to happen because, unlike those fighters, who are mere strangers, these two are brothers.

And they are blood.

“Stop!” I scream, thankfully finding my feet and storming toward them.

But the Berkeley brothers are in sync with the other, and they both charge, facing the other head-on.

My pleas fall on deaf ears as Tristan throws the first punch, landing Quinn square in the jaw. Quinn’s head snaps back with a sickening crack, and I cover my mouth, stunned. Tristan takes another swing, splitting Quinn’s lip open, and blood instantly pours from the wound.