I slam my back against the door, knife in hand, ready to attack, as I alternate from looking above me from left to right. My heartbeat pounds so loudly in fear that it’s almost deafening, and I only just resist the urge to cover my ears because I can’t concentrate on what to do next.
Why did I have to choose the middle stall? No doubt if my father reallyishere, then Phil is not too far behind. Therefore, I have to look overbothshoulders, as I have not only one psychopath after me, but two.
How could I have been so careless? I should have scoped out my surroundings before I entered. But, if they’re coming for me, then fuck me going down in a cubical no bigger than a sardine can.
Taking three deep breaths, I slowly peek through the sliver of a gap through the door to see if anyone is out there. I can’t see anything, nor can I hear the whispering any longer.
Giving myself a pep talk and internally counting to five, I slowly unhinge the lock and push open the door with my boot, on guard with my knife poised in front of me. Ducking my head from left to right, I see that the coast is clear, but I still won’t breathe easy till I’m out in the open.
As I wedge my body through the door, my entire frame shakes from pure adrenaline and fear. Taking my first step toward freedom is not freedom at all, as something squishes under my boot.
Looking down, I gasp, and the color drains from my face in a second.
A blue dog collar with a silver tag that reads Lucky stares back at me. Bile rises into my throat as I bend down to pick it up. The collar is covered in matted fur.
Running out of the bathroom faster than my feet can carry me, I’m frantic to find Lucky and run straight into a solid chest. I’m hysterical and don’t realize I’m screaming at the top of my lungs and pounding on flesh until I hear my name.
“Mia! Stop it. Mia, it’s Justin. It’s okay.”
But I can’t stop. I need to get away from him. I need to find my dog.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
My body slackens when I hear his voice, and I sag against Justin, who wraps a hand loosely around my waist.
“Get your hands off her!” Quinn snarls, and I’m ripped from Justin’s arms and hugged into his familiar embrace.
As I bury my head into Quinn’s chest, inhaling his comforting scent, Quinn snarls, “What the fuck did you do to her?”
His hand runs down my back, attempting to calm me down, but the rage seeping from every pore in his body is anything but calm.
“Nothing. She just came running out of the bathroom, screaming. I did nothing!” Justin says, backing away from a livid Quinn, hands raised in surrender.
“Don’t fucking lie to me!” Quinn growls, reaching for Justin while pulling me with him.
I have to stop this, and now that my hysteria has simmered, I can focus on what’s important.
“Quinn, stop.”
But Quinn continues to stalk toward Justin, deaf to reason.
“Quinn, Lucky!” That’s all I say, holding out my fist, his blue collar peeking through my fingers.
That stops Quinn as he reaches for my hand, extending my right palm open.
Gasping when he sees the collar, he quickly asks, “What happened?”
He puts me out at arm’s length, waiting for me to explain.
“I found it,” I manage to choke out. “In the bathroom, on the floor. And I heard…”
“Heard what?” Quinn asks, his eyes wide, waiting for me to speak.
But when I remain silent, trying to understand how everything has just turned to shit in the span of two minutes, Quinn barks, “You heard what, Red?”
“Hey, man, let her go,” Justin says, taking a step forward.
“You take another step, and I’ll make sure it’s your last,” Quinn spits out, never breaking eye contact with me.