“I’m not mad,” I reiterate. “I’m just tired. This whole situation we’re in, the situationI’veput you in, makes me sick. I hate that you are in this situation because of me. And I hate that you have to play nice with Justin because I know you just want to hang him up by his balls and let the wildlife have their way with him.”

Quinn’s mouth tips up into a small smile, but he allows me to continue.

“But I know you won’t leave me, and you know that I don’t want you to go,” I confess. “What you’ve done for me, no one has ever done for me before.”

“Red,” Quinn says, but I place my finger over his lips, silencing him as I need to get this out.

“Quinn, you are in here.” I remove my hand from his mouth, placing my palm over my chest. “No one will ever,evertake your place. No one. I promise you. So please, just please, can you try to tolerate Justin? I’m not asking you to like him. Hell, you don’t even have to talk to him. It’s probably better if you don’t. But can you, for me, can we just get to Canada and…”

But this time, Quinn is the one to silence me as he places his finger over my lips.

“Okay,” he replies, his warm eyes meeting mine.

“Yeah?” I ask around his finger, hoping he’ll say yes.

“Yeah,” he confirms with a nod, his finger slowly sashaying across my wet lips.

“Thank you.”

Quinn nods, his eyes transfixed on his finger as he plays with my lower lip.

“You’re in here too,” Quinn replies softly, reaching for my palm and placing it over his warm chest.

His beating heart drums steadily underneath my hand, comforting me in a way I’ve never felt. Knowing that his heart beats for me makes all of this bullshit worthwhile.

“Kiss me,” I whisper, my palm still resting against his chest.

I can feel his heart rate speed up at my suggestion, and it’s nice to know his heart beats as fast as mine.

It’s now seven thirty, and we’re checked out and ready to hit the road.

After our chat, I feel like Quinn and I reached an agreement, and we also made some headway with what’s going on with us. There is no doubt in my mind that I’m falling for Quinn and falling hard. And for once, I’m not scared or confused by it. I feel alive.

Justin has been quiet, and I really want to ask what’s up, but I have a feeling he wouldn’t tell me. There is more to Justin, and Quinnisright. What do I really know about him? The Justin I now know has changed from the Justin I knew in high school. This Justin is guarded, and this Justin is definitely hiding something.

I just don’t know what.

“Where are we headed?” I ask, jumping into the passenger seat with Lucky sitting on my lap.

“Wisconsin,” Justin replies, placing his paper coffee cup in the cupholder and starting the engine.

“Cool,” I say even though I have no clue what happens in Wisconsin.

Quinn chuckles, and I love that the air has cleared somewhat. I don’t expect Quinn and Justin to become best friends, but if they can tolerate one another, I will settle for that.

Justin suggests Quinn and I do some sightseeing while he checks in with work. He still hasn’t elaborated on what his work involves.

Quinn and I are walking hand in hand, strolling the city streets with Lucky by my side. I know we should keep a low profile, but I’m getting a severe case of cabin fever, or should I say car fever.

It is so nice to be outdoors. I just wish the circumstances were different.

It’s a shame we don’t have enough time to explore the sights and sounds of such a wonderful place. There is one thing I want to do, and as soon as I see it, I yank on Quinn’s hand, leading him toward where I know he wants to be.

An art gallery.

Quinn follows, chuckling at my enthusiasm, but I know he will enjoy this. That night, all those nights ago when I stumbled into Quinn’s room by mistake and saw all of his drawings pinned to his wall, I remember thinking his work needs to be in a gallery somewhere, where people come from all corners of the globe to appreciate his talent.

One day, I can only hope that becomes a reality for him.