“What did I tell you? As long as he keeps his hands to himself, he’ll be fine. But the minute my back is turned,that motherfucker has his hands all over you,” he says, looking over my shoulder to where Justin went.

“He was not all over me. We were just talking about…” And I pause.

Oh shit, I need to shut up. Telling Quinn that Justin had the biggest crush on me and still fantasizes about our kisses won’t help my case.

“About what?” he asks, leaning back into his seat.

“Nothing. Forget I said anything.”

“No, I will not. The more I’m around this guy, the fishier he gets. I didn’t like him from the get-go, but something is off about him. Him just popping up, offering to help and expecting nothing in return is damn strange. Unless…”

“Unless what?” I ask, interested to hear Quinn’s thoughts.

“Unless he expects payment in the form of you,” Quinn spits, and his jaw clenches.

“What?” I gasp. “That’s ridiculous!”

“Is it?” Quinn questions, raising an eyebrow.

“What do you know about this guy, Red? Apart from an old crush from school?” And the word “crush” has never sounded so dirty.

“He’s here on business.”

“So he says. What business? And why is his goddamn phone going off every thirty seconds?”

“You’re just suspicious of everyone!” I say angrily, but I don’t actually knowwhyhe’s always on his phone.

“No, I’m realistic. When a guy offers to drive a girl halfway across the country without expecting anything in return, something isn’t right. The only reason I’m not breaking his nose is because you’ve asked me not to, and to trust you on this. And you’re right; heisour best option at the moment, allowing us to fly under the radar. But that doesn’t mean I have to like him.”

“Why don’t you like him?” I ask, as I really don’t understand. Justin seems harmless to me.

“Because I don’t like the way he looks at you when you’re not looking.”

I cock my eyebrow. This is news to me.

“He looks at you,” Quinn explains simply. “Like he wants to fuck you…or fuck you over. I just haven’t figured out which yet.”

My mouth falls open, because both options are horrible.

“You’re wrong.”

“I hope I am.”

But now that the seed of doubt is planted, I’m afraid it’ll just grow.

Justin returns, slipping his cell into his jeans before sitting down.

I give him a small smile, hoping I don’t look guilty, but I can’t help it as Quinn’s words repeat in my head.

Why would Justin want to fuck me over?

The banging on our bedroom door has me shooting up in bed, reminiscent of the last time someone knocked on our door. And that time wasn’t good because it was the police. Quinn sleeps peacefully near me, curled onto his side, his head resting on my pillow.

I can’t run again. I just can’t.

Thankfully, the banging ceases, and Justin’s soft voice echoes outside our door. “Mia? Are you awake?”

The bedside clock reads 3:34 a.m. What does he want?