Once we reach the bricked bathroom wall, Quinn smiles as he watches me chew my lip, thinking of all the bugs hiding inside. “I’ll take Lucky. Be back in five.”

I nod and watch him leave.

The bathroom is horrible, and I think a raccoon family lives under the sink. So I’m in and out in under a minute.I splash some water on my cheeks and think about my conversation with Quinn.

Will we still be on the run at Christmas? New Year’s? Independence Day? When will this end? We really need to get in contact with Abi because we need a plan of attack ASAP.

Throwing the paper towel into the trash, I run my fingers through my messy hair, pulling out a bobby pin from my backpack and pinning back a lock.But I suddenly pause.

“Hey, you’re Mia’s friend.”

My ears prick up when I hear the muted male voice just outside, obviously addressing Quinn.

“Yup, and you’re Justin,” Quinn replies calmly.

Justin? As in Justin Miller? What ishedoing out here?

“Yeah, good memory, bro. What brings you guys out here?”

I know this won’t end well, so I quickly bolt out of the bathroom, and as I turn to go outside, I fall into a casual step.

“Fancy seeing you here,” I say with a rigid smile as I approach them.

Quinn has his arms crossed while Justin smiles. “This must be my lucky week.” And he gives me a big hug.

I awkwardly hug him back, looking at an extremely unimpressed Quinn.

I pull away, trying not to offend him, but this is not good timing, and it’s also not safe for him. He’s in danger of being caught up in all my bullshit and being beaten to a pulp by Quinn.

“So…what are you guys doing here?”

“Just a road trip,” I reply vaguely.


Quinn and Justin are sizing one another up, and I don’t like the look on both their faces as they’re not exactly hiding the fact they both dislike one another—a lot.

“What are you doing here?” Quinn questions, his head cocked to the side.

Justin looks at Quinn, his eyes narrowing.“Just stopping to use the restroom, pure coincidence bumping into you.”

Quinn scoffs, unbelieving of a single word.

I’ve got to stop this macho bullshit before they whip out their dicks and measure whose is bigger.

“We better hit the road, Quinn,” I suggest, grabbing his arm, which remains solidly crossed.

Okay, moving him is going to be an issue.“Quinn?”

He slowly takes his eyes off Justin, looking down at me. I give him big eyes, hoping he can read my facial charades, but he only smirks.

“Yeah, sure, you’re right,” he thankfully replies while reaching for my hand.

“Catch ya later, Justin. It was nice seeing you again,” I say while trying to drag Quinn away.

“You too, Mia. Hey, what’s your ride?” he asks randomly.

That has me stopping in my tracks as I look at Quinn, wondering why Justin would ask such a strange question.