“That was more for me than for you.”
“I seriously doubt it.”
Quinn chuckles as he pulls the blanket back and lays me on the white sheets. I then remember I still have my boots on and make a move to take them off. But Quinn is there first, placing one on his lap as he unties my laces.
“I can do that,” I say, flopping back onto the soft pillow and closing my eyes.
“I don’t mind.” He slips off one boot and then goes to work on the next.
“Thank you.”
“It’s okay. I like taking care of you,” he whispers, bending forward and kissing my ankle softly.
“I like it too.”
I’m so comfy, wrapped up like a burrito, but as I feel a pair of lips brush over my cheek, my eyes slip open, wanting to see the man before me.
“Do you ever sleep?” I mumble as his lips flutter over mine.
Quinn chuckles, kissing my chin. “I sleep enough. And besides, it’s hard getting a decent night’s sleep with you being all over the bed.”
I blush, as this isn’t the first time he’s told me this.It’s hard to share, especially when I’ve never had to before.
Quinn leans on his side, head propped up on his palm, looking down at me.“So I was thinking…” He pauses, mulling over what to say next.“Will you go out with me?”
I choke on air, my bodily functions refusing to operate until I clarify what he means.
“Go…out with you?” I ask slowly, raising my eyebrows.
Quinn clears his throat. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he’s nervous. Well, thereisa first for everything.
“Yeah, like a date,” he says, making a pained face. “I sound like such an idiot.”
I place my hand against his cheek. “No, you don’t. You sound sweet.”
“Red, I think we’ve had the whole ‘sweet is not cool’ talk.” He smirks, leaning into my palm.
“I’d love to go out on a date with you, Quinn Berkeley,” I say with a smile, the words rolling off my tongue naturally.
“Without a doubt.” I feel like a giddy teenager because this is my first ever date. And I wouldn’t want to experience it with anyone other than Quinn.
“I just thought, after everything we’ve done…” My cheeks heat as the memories of last night come floating back.“That we skipped a step.”
“What do you mean?”
“I thought you said you didn’t do flowers and romance,” I reply, referring to our conversation that seems like a lifetime ago.
“I don’t. But you’re the exception to that rule.”
I can’t keep the smile off my face.
“And besides, my mom would have given me an earful for not taking a nice girl like you out first before I…” He tugs on his silver hoop.
“You know you can tell me anything,” I whisper, searching his face.
He nods as he reaches for a strand of my hair, placing it above my lip to give me an instant mustache. I smile, fully aware that he is attempting to steer me off the topic of his mom. But I won’t budge on this and cock my head to the side in all seriousness.