“I agree.”

Quinn sighs, brushing a hand down his stubbled face before he reaches into his pocket and pulls out Tabitha’s phone.

“I got this earlier,” he says, passing me the phone.

My eyes skim over the message.

Where are you??Tabitha

I read it twice and panic, as the number differs from the one Abi has been texting us from.

“That’s not like Tabitha to be so direct,” I comment while Quinn exhales loudly.

“Yeah, I know.”

Why is she being so vague? This isn’t like her.Then my brain catches up, and I gasp, shaking my head.

“That’s not Abi. What if…?” But I can’t finish my sentence as I toss the phone to the floor, thoughts plaguing my mind.

Quinn sucks on his lip ring, deep in thought.“I thought the same thing. But if it’s not her, then who is it?”

We both look at one another, not voicing what we know to be true.

“It’s either the police or my dad and Phil.”

Quinn nods coolly as he reaches for the phone I threw in haste. I watch with interest as he slips out the SIM and snaps it between his fingers.

“Well, that solves that problem,” I say with half a smile.

Quinn shrugs, tossing the broken SIM onto the table.“We’ll just call her house from now on, and Tristan should be released soon.”

“You think the police have the landlines tapped?”

Quinn shakes his head, his messy hair sliding into his eyes. “I doubt it. We’re only wanted for questioning. We haven’t been charged with anything.”

“Not yet,” I mumble, lowering my eyes.

“Hey, we’ll work this out.”

“Do you think Tabitha is okay?” I hope whoever texted us guessed we had her phone and hadn’t confronted her about it.

Quinn nods. “Yes. Abi’s family is way too well known for anything to happen to her. Your dad isn’t that stupid to draw any attention to himself by hurting her.”

I breathe a sigh of relief and nod because he’s right. My dad and Phil will want to lay low and fly under the radar. South Boston is a small town, and people like my dad and Phil stand out.

“So what now?”

“First, you’re going to stop frowning.” My lips form a straight line instantly. “And second, we’re going on a road trip.”

“What?” I ask, taken aback. “Road trip?”

“Yup.” Quinn nods, smirking at me while I gape at him like he’s gone insane.

“Red, you’ve never been outside of LA, and South Boston doesn’t count.”

I frown once again.

“This is your chance to do so. And I’m still okay with just going wherever the road takes us,” he says, placing his fingers on the corners of my mouth and pushing my frown into a smile.