But he gets my silence for what it is.“Don’t mention it, Mia. You’re worth it. I would do it again in a heartbeat,”he whispers, his voice reflecting the sincerity behind his admission.

I don’t know what to say because his kindness and honesty throws me off.

“Thank you. I…um, better go,” I reply, feeling incredibly thoughtless for disregarding his confession.

Tristan sighs but replies, “Bye. I…miss you.”

I don’t respond, but quickly hold out the phone to Quinn, who gives me a small smile as he reaches for the receiver.

Sitting on the curb, I can no longer hear what the boys are talking about, but after Tristan’s confession, I don’t want to hear what he has to say, and that’s because a small part of me knows he has feelings for me. But he had feelings for Paige, not Mia.

Quinn is looking at me while listening to something Tristan says. The way his eyes take me in, I know they’re talking about me.

I not only have one incredible man trying to protect me and putting his life in danger for me. I now have two.But I could never live with myself if anything happened to Tristan—again.

“I’ve got an awesome idea,” Quinn says, bumping me with his shoulder as he sits near me after he ends his call to Tristan.

“What’s that?”

“Let’s go find a liquor store and drink.”

I laugh because, at the moment, there is nothing else I would rather do.

Once we’re checked into the hotel, I feel terrible for my insensitive jab and invite Justin to join us for drinks after he’s finished doing whatever he needs to do for work. Quinn hates me right now, as his stress-free night of getting drunk and forgetting our troubles has just taken a nosedive.

But I feel horrible, as Justin is helping us out without even realizing how much so.

I decide I need new clothes, seeing as I left the majority of my things in New Orleans.A thrift shop down the road is a perfect place to pick up some cheap clothing. Quinn was in the shower when I left, which was good because I need some alone time after speaking with Tristan.

Why do I have a feeling our conversation was one-sided? Deep down, I have an awful premonition that Tristan will come find us regardless of my and Quinn’s warnings.

However, trying to focus on the task at hand, I pick out some clothes for Quinn and me and figure that’ll do us for now.

As I exit, I pull my newly purchased jacket lapels over my face as the cold December breeze has picked up. Jolly fat Santa decals and fairy lights are displayed in every shop front, preparing shoppers for the mad Christmas rush.I wonder where I will be spending Christmas this year.

I’m hoping it’s not in a 6x8 cell.

Or dead.

Shaking those thoughts aside, I ride the elevator up to our floor and find Quinn walking around the bedroom in only a small towel. The towel barely covers anything, and if he shifts the wrong way, I’ll be getting an eyeful.

I quickly turn my back, not really knowing why. I am still learning the ways of being in a relationship with someone.

“Hi?” Quinn asks my back, phrasing it as a question, as he’s obviously just as puzzled by my weird behavior as I am.


“Whatcha doing?” he asks, laughing.

“I don’t know,” I reply, as I suddenly feel nervous.

We haven’t spoken about what happened in the hotel room back in New Orleans, seeing as we had other important matters to deal with, like not falling to our deaths.

Quinn and I have said, in a roundabout way, that we’re dating.

But he hasn’t actually said,“Red, I want you to be my girlfriend.”

Do people even do that anymore? Have that talk?