“No peeking,” he says, turning me back around. “No matter what, keep them shut.”

“I’m a little nervous.”

“Don’t be.”

My senses are on high alert, hoping to figure out what this surprise involves. I don’t have to wait long because my ears pick up on the unmistakable sound of horse hooves trotting on the pavement, steadily approaching us and getting louder with each step.

I step back, afraid I’m about to get trampled, but Quinn is behind me, drawing my body into his, and I instantly relax.

Once the trotting comes to a halt, Quinn whispers, “Okay, you can open your eyes.”

Slowly opening them, I gasp when I’m faced with a pair of warm brown eyes staring as inquisitively at me as I am at it.

Quinn leans over my shoulder, kissing my cheek. “Do you like him?”

“I love him!” I gasp, my eyes never leaving the huge brown horse before me.“Can I pet him?”

“Of course,” the man sitting in the carriage says.

I hesitantly reach forward, my fingers twitching to pat the wild beast in front of me. As I stroke his nose softly, he nuzzles into me, no doubt checking to see if I have any food.

I laugh, rubbing him on his head, his bristly hair tickling my fingers. “I think he likes me.”

The horse neighs, and both Quinn and I laugh.

“Of course, he does,” Quinn replies, reaching around me to pat his white nose. “You ready to go for a ride?”

I spin around quickly, eyes wide.“Yes. Hell yes.”

Quinn climbs into the back of the carriage and offers me his hand, which I accept. He drags me across the seat the moment I’m in so I’m nestled into his side. “I’m glad you’re happy. I thought with your horse tattoo that horses meant something special to you?”

“Yes, I wish I was free like they are.”

“One day, baby, you will be.”

As we walk into the foyer of our hotel, I can’t help but feel a little sad since this will probably be our last night here. I could almost pretend that, for a moment, I was just a normal girl on her first date with someone who has changed everything.

“You don’t want to leave?” Quinn asks as we wait for the elevator.

“No. But I know we have to.”

“We’ll come back. I promise.” I don’t correct him since I will be in jail or dead at the end of this.

I don’t want to spoil the moment, so I simply remain quiet as we get into the elevator.

I can’t believe Quinn went to so much effort, and now that we’re back, I want to do something for him.I psyche myself up for what I have in mind, blowing out a small breath before the elevator doors open.

Quinn reaches for my hand, and we silently stroll down the hallway toward our room. As he unlocks the door, my heart begins thumping so loudly that I’m surprised he can’t hear it.

Slipping off my jacket, I toss it onto the chair.

“Do you want a drink?”

“A water, thanks.” I sit on the sofa and curl my legs underneath me.

He returns with a tall glass of water for me and a beer for himself.

“Are we staying here tonight?” I ask as I accept the glass from his outstretched hand.