But the truth is, I don’t care what his name is.
“Quinn, where are we going?” I ask again as he continues dragging me down the street.
“Inside,” he replies, pulling me into a brightly lit fluorescent foyer that burns my retinas.
Covering my eyes with my forearm, I groan. I guess those last ten or twenty shots were a bad,badidea.
“Can I book a room please?”
I hear muffled voices, but they all sound like gibberish, and all I really want to do is sleep.My eyes droop shut, and I’m pretty certain I have fallen asleep standing up. But as my arm is jerked on and my feet begin moving, my eyes snap open, and my dreams of sleeping have just been shattered.
“Quinn, slow down,” I say groggily. I try to slow him down by dragging my feet, but he doesn’t listen.“You’re a big, bossy meanie.”
I can see from one eye, which is the only open eye, that Quinn shakes his head at me, but thankfully, he’s smiling. Before I know what’s going on, I’m being lifted off the ground and into the arms of my Superman.
My weary arms wrap around his neck inadvertently, and I cradle myself into his warm chest. As I bury my nose into his damp T-shirt, I can’t stop myself as I inhale his scent deeply.
“Oh fuck, even your smell is sexy.”
Quinn’s chest vibrates, and I know he’s chuckling at my embarrassing confessions.I need to shut up, but my mouth has a mind of its own.
“You’re so warm,” I say with a yawn, snuggling into his body and closing my eyes.“I’m just gonna nap. Wake me when we get there.”
I have no idea where “there” is, but I trust Quinn with my life.
I hear keys jingle, and then the click of a key turning into a lock.
“Red, I’m going to put you down, okay?” Quinn says after a few seconds of him shuffling through a room.
I nod against his chest, my eyes still shut, my breathing even.
The soft mattress dips when Quinn places me onto the bed, but the contents of my stomachthreaten to spill forth if I don’t sit up.My eyes snap open as I bolt upright and kick off the bed, wobbly standing in a strange room.
“Where are we?” I ask, trying to focus on where we are.
“Some hotel, far, far away from where we should be,” he replies with a hint of exasperation.
I feel horrible. He’s been looking for me this entire time. Why didn’t I just wait for him instead of freaking out and running?
I seem to be doing that a lot lately.
And not to mention, we just paid a lot of money for a room we won’t even be staying in. Just the thought of the room reminds me of Janet, the overly helpful clerk.
She was one of the reasons I bolted. Not because of her, per se, but because my feelings for Quinn keep getting stronger and stronger, and I don’t know how to deal with them.
So again, I ran.
But the biggest reason was of course, Hank.
My pain cannot be summarized into words, and that’s because simply no words can describe how I feel. When I picture the light leaving his warm, tender eyes, the feelings from that night come crashing over me, and each time, it’s getting harder to swim to the surface.
I’m a damn mess, and I’m seriously questioning my mental stability as each day passes. I’m also angry. And I’m sick of it because the person I’m most angry with is myself.
Suddenly, I feel hot, as these clothes are swiftly suffocating me. I rip off my sweater, nearly falling on my ass while trying to get my arms out, but I manage to do so staying upright.
Unthinkingly, I reach for the hem of my T-shirt and pull it over my head, it snagging on my tragus.
“Ouch!” I muffle, but thankfully it slips free without ripping my ear off.