“You know about my dad. Phil. Me?” I add, my stomach dropping.
“I know everything, Mia,” she confesses softly.
She now knows what I did. And she now also knows who I really am.
When Quinn and I took off, Tabitha only knew a sliver of my past. But now…now she knows it all.
“And you still want to help me?” I ask incredulously, tears stinging my eyes.
“More than ever,” she replies, and a tear slips down my cheek.
Quinn looks like he’s about ready to explode and takes a step toward me. But I raise my hand, indicating I’m okay.
“But Phil covered his tracks,” she says, brushing off the fact she knows about my tainted past.
“I know.”
“My dad has hired the best, and they’re working around the clock to put a case together to prove to the police that you’re innocent. When that happens, hopefully the police will listen, and you guys won’t be wanted for murder.”
“So they’re blaming the murder on Quinn and me?” I ask, making eye contact with Quinn, as this proves we areactuallywanted for murder.
We both believed in the slim chance we were only wanted for questioning. But with Brad’s dad on the case, there is no such thing as innocent until proven guilty.
“Yes. Sheriff Davidson won’t let it go. He comes here almost every day, looking for you. Tristan is under watch at the hospital too.”
“What? Why?” I shout, instantly feeling a wave of protection at the mere mention of Tristan’s name.
“Because they think Quinn will contact him.”
Quinn has had enough and tries to squeeze into the booth, but I put my arm up, needing some space before I suffocate.
“The sheriff has a personal vendetta against you. What happened?”
I don’t want to tell Abi what happened, but she’s sticking her neck out for me, so she needs to know the truth.
“I had a fight with Brad on the night he drugged you. I went after him, pulled a knife, and threatened him. Things got ugly, and he tried to…” I look at Quinn, whose jaw is clenching as if reliving the memory.
“He attacked me, and Quinn saved me. But not before Quinn beat him to near death.”
There is silence on the other end, and if not for the clanging of pots and pans, I’d say Abi has hung up.
“Abi? Are you still there?”
“Yeah,” she finally croaks. “You did that for me? You put yourself in jeopardy for me.”
“Of course, I did. You’re my best friend.”
“Oh God…this is my fault.”
“No! None of this is your fault. Don’t you ever say that, okay?”
“Okay,” she sniffs. “Thank you, Mia. What you did for me…”
“Abi, don’t mention it. I better go. I’m not sure if this line is tapped.”
“Okay.” She sniffles again. “Just keep running, okay? Just until my dad comes up with a plan. Don’t go to the police. Sheriff Davidson has an APB on you and Quinn and issued it through most counties.”