The veil of darkness lifted, the harsh light of day blinds me, and I realize it’s time we make our move. I’m not feeling as rough as yesterday, but I want to leave because I have no idea where my father and Phil are.
“You’re feeling better.”
I jolt, startled that Quinn is awake.
I look over at him and can’t believe how someone so beautiful, inside and out, could want me. And risk his entire life to protect me.
“How do you know I’m better?” I ask, shuffling closer to him so we’re sharing the same pillow.
“’Cause I can hear you thinking,” he says with a dimpled smirk.
I can’t help the chuckle that escapes my lips, and it’s nice to be laughing again.
“What were you thinking?”
“We need to make a move,” I reply with a sigh, wishing we could stay in our protective bubble forever.
Quinn nods, his sleep-rumpled hair slipping into his eyes.“Where did you want to go?”
He watches me closely, and I know that if I told him I wanted to hitch a ride to the moon, he would follow me. But in a way, I’m traveling to outer space. I’m traveling to a land with the power to change me forever.
“Canada,” I reply, and who would have thought one word could feel so claustrophobic?
“You want to stick to the original plan?”
“Yes. I’m mentally and physically fatigued, and if I were to fight my father and Phil, I know I would lose. We stick to Tabitha’s dad’s plan; at least this keeps the cops off our asses.”
“You wouldn’t have to fight them,” Quinn states, reaching forward and running a finger down the length of my nose.
“What do you mean?”
“I would do it. We still have the guns. I could arrange a time and—” I silence him by placing a finger over his lips.
“As much as I appreciate the offer, no. We finally have the upper hand because they don’t know where we are. Let’s make a run for it, and then we’ll figure out what to do next.”
At the start of this journey, it was all about revenge and vengeance, but now, it’s about survival. To survive this in one piece—physically and also emotionally—is all I care about.
When I think the coast is clear, I remove my finger, and Quinn’s mouth dips into a small frown.
“When the time comes, I’ll do it for you.”
I don’t need to ask what he’s referring to, as this experience has shown me that I can run but can’t hide. Sooner or later, my fatherwillcatch up to me, and when he does, one of us will die.
There are no compromises or happy reunions. The ending of this story results in someone’s death. And I’m just hoping it’s not mine.
“I can’t let you do that,” I say, shaking my head. “I can’t let you kill for me…again. With each life you take, Quinn, a piece of you dies with them. Believe me, I know.”
“I don’t care,” he replies. “I meant what I said. I’d do anything to keep you safe, and you’re not safe while your father is still alive.”
“You’re so stubborn.”
Resting my palm on his stubbled cheek, he turns into my caress and kisses over my moon tattoo.
“What does this mean?” he asks, gently holding my wrist while kissing over my ink again.
I’m hypnotized, watching Quinn’s lips lightly press over my skin, and think back to the day I got it.
“It was one of the worst days of my life. And still, to this day, thinking about it makes me sick. It was Wednesday, and I was making my last drop-off. This customer was a regular, and she always ordered a hit of heroin every second Wednesday of the month.