“Are you sorry that you’re a fucking drug dealer? Or are you sorry that you got caught?” He pistol-whips me again.
Blood pours into my eyes and trickles over my lips, but I remain still and remind myself that I deserve this.
“That day, my dad died in his car, shooting up the junkyousold him. So excuse me if your apologies mean jack shit to me.” He slaps me across my left cheek, no doubt leaving a handprint behind.
My cheeks feel swollen, and all I can taste is the unmistakable metal tang in my mouth. But I need him to know that I’m sorry.
“I’m sorry,” I spit out again, my eyes widening, needing to express how remorseful I really am.
“Stop apologizing!” he screams into my face, spittle covering my cheeks.
He is beyond reason, and that’s okay, so I only nod and stop with the apologies.
“What are you going to do with me?” I ask, which comes out muffled, but he understands me clearly.
He laughs, and it’s not a nice sound.
“This is the best part,” he says with a smile, pulling away from me as he begins pacing the room. “You caused quite a scene back home, shooting your father.”
Suddenly, the blood drains from my face.
“Finally, I see that you’re scared. You’re actually human,”Justin says in mock horror as he stops pacing and watches me with a predatory grin.
“What did you do?” I spit, but I know the answer.
“When you were accused of shooting your father, I followed your case with interest because, after my dad’s death, I wanted vengeance for his murder. He was a bastard and a junkie, but he was still my father.”
I nod, understanding his reasoning all too well.
“So I sat and waited, thinking of all the ways I could make you pay for ruining my life because, as they say, revenge is a dish best served cold. But you made it so easy for me. When you shot that lowlife and ran, thinking he was dead, that led me straight to you.”
I cock an eyebrow, confused.
Justin smiles, looking pleased with what he’s about to reveal. “I visited your father in the hospital, and the moment I saw him, I realized you and I were more alike than I thought. We both had junkies for fathers. And that made me hate you all the more. I just couldn’t understand how you chose to live that destructive lifestyle when you knew firsthand how many lives it impacts. How many lives it destroys, and this fact just fueled my need for revenge even more.
“I gave him some sob story that we were dating and that I wanted to find you, to bring you home, and the stupid bastard believed me. He most likely figured I had more chance of bringing you home than he did, as we were supposedly in love. He agreed, thinking he was in control.
“The police was hot on his ass, so he had to be careful and not rouse too much suspicion. I’m sure he wasn’t looking too hard for you since he thought I was doing all the legwork. And that’s what I wanted. I didn’t want him finding you first because I knew he would kill you before I got my chance at revenge.
“I had to pull a lot of strings, but lucky for me, an ex-girlfriend’s dad was a cop. I found the information I needed after I earned his trust, and I located you, trying to blend in, in that pathetic excuse of a town in South Boston.
“But I didn’t realize that your father was working with that dirty drug lord. That motherfucker was keeping a low profile, as he too was rousing suspicion among the cops, but he had his sources working on finding you, and unluckily for me, he found out about your whereabouts around the same time as I did.
“It was game on then.”
This story gets worse with each passing second, but with no other choice, I listen.
“I followed them to South Boston, but you’d all already split. So I asked around, and there was one blonde bimbo who was more than happy to divulge information on where you were headed. And with little persuasion, I might add.” Justin smirks, and I know exactly who he’s talking about.
“Her boyfriend’s dad was a cop, and he had told his son there was a sighting of you, headed for South Carolina, so I bailed. But I couldn’t believe my luck when I bumped into you.”
If I had just stayed put and not been jealous, none of this would have happened.
“It was fate.I followed you after our encounter, and then, then I called your dad.”
I close my eyes, wanting to shut this horrible reality out.