I look at Quinn, who seethes at the mere mention of his name.

“I never really did,” I confess.

“What happened?”

“Let’s just say, Quinn was right about him all along.”

“How’s he doing? Or should I say, how are you two doing?”

I can tell by her tone that she wants all the juicy details, which I would be happy to share if not for the fact Quinn stands an inch away.

“Okay,” I reply vaguely, feeling my cheeks redden.

“Oh, you can’t talk?” she says. I wish we could talk, as I have so much I want to tell her.

“Not really,” I reply, looking at Quinn, who knows we’re talking about him.“I better go. Give my love to Tristan.”

“I will. He’s still adamant he’s coming to Canada.”

“I hope you remind him what a bad idea that is,” I reply, looking at Quinn, who looks proud that his brother is being as big a pain in the ass as him.

“You know it.”

“That’s my girl. I’ll check in again in two days, okay?” I leave out the part that I’m hoping in two days, my father will be dead.

“Okay, be safe.”

“You too.”

I hang up feeling saddened, wishing we could chat for longer, but Quinn and I need to move.

Stepping out of the phone booth, Quinn asks, “So Canada is still the best plan, according to Abi’s dad?”

“Yes. He’s no closer to clearing our names; therefore, the police are still hot on our asses. So we’ve got the cops, my asshole of a father, and Big Phil waiting to catch us unawares,” I groan, covering my face with my hands in exhaustion.

“Hey,” Quinn says, wrapping his arm around my waist and burrowing my face into his chest. “We stick to the original plan, all right? Lucky should be released today, so we check out of the hotel we’re staying at and check in someplace new. We gotta keep moving.”

“Yeah, but remain in sight for my dad to find me. How do we remain undetected to the police, but wave a red flag on my ass for my father to see? This is so fucked up, Quinn.” I sigh, pulling out of his embrace.

“I know, Red. But it’s the only way, right?” he asks, his eyes searching mine, ensuring this is what I still want to do.


“Let’s get something to eat.”

Nodding, we walk toward a diner and take a seat in the booth at the back. We order but are both quiet, lost in thought.

Every time I look at the burger in front of me, my stomach does a backflip, warning me that if I take a bite, it’ll just come back to haunt me when I’m throwing my guts up.

Everything plays on my mind. This whole clusterfuck of a situation tests my sanity, but I have no choice but to deal. Thankfully, there is a light at the end of this fucked-up tunnel, and that light sadly ends with my father and Phil being dead.

However, I’m not saddened that their demise results in our freedom. I’m saddened that I’ve dragged Quinn into my fucked-up life, and now, now he is faced with something I wish he never had to face.

“What’s the matter?” Quinn asks, taking a bite out of his cheeseburger.

I shrug, pushing my untouched meal away before I throw up. “I’m just thinking about…everything.”

Quinn wipes his mouth with his napkin and nods.“Whatcha thinking?”