“Until they find someone else or ask for more. I can’t commit to more than that, at least not at this point in my life, so I understand when they move onto someone more willing to give them what they’re looking for.”

“Or they just weren’t right for you.”

“Look at you getting all deep,” I said sardonically.

Mark's eyes continued to sweep my face, making me worry about what my expression was telling him. “My momma always told my sister that bellends will come and go. The right one, you will work hard to keep. They clearly weren’t the one for you.”

“And what’s a bellend?”

“A dick.” He grinned.

I laughed. “And you believe in that ‘the one’ stuff?”

“Of course I do. My parents were high school sweethearts. Mom said she and Dad knew immediately, and they’ve been married ever since. Wasn’t always easy, but they made it work. Guess that’s her point. You’ll fight to make it work if they’re special to you.”

I thought of Emory and Ben, and all they went through to be together, how many years she fought to get him to notice her, and then how hard he worked to win her in college. It made sense.

“I guess they’re real for some.” I shook my head and took another sip from my straw. “I can’t imagine being willing to sacrifice my career because someone asked me to.”

“I think that’s the point. They won’t need to ask. You will want to compromise if they’re the one.”

“Guess that means you’re still waiting on yours, then?”

He chuckled, shaking his head. “I guess so.”

“Who’d have known? Mark Charming is a romantic.”

Lights flashed throughout the ballroom and the music lowered. The DJ’s voice filled the room, asking all single ladies to join the bride on the dance floor for the bouquet toss.

“And that’s my queue to disappear. Going to go hide in the bathroom before Emory notices I’m not out there.”


Ibumped into someone leaving the bathroom.

“I am so sorry. I should look before I…” I cut myself off, seeing Charles Rost grinning down at me—the very reason the entire town hated me. I knew his parents were here; his dad was the mayor and got invited to everything, but I’d assumed Charles wouldn’t receive an invite.

I tried to side-step him, but he moved, blocking my path.

“I saw you out on the dance floor with that tool. Guess you’ve gotten over your prude ways.”

“Charles, I’ve never been prude. I just wasn’t interested in you.” I tried to go around him again, considering the conversation over.

He moved with me, and I started to get nervous. No other guests were in the hallway. A dead end was to my back and he was blocking the only exit.

I gritted my teeth. “Please move and let me get back to the wedding.”

“I will, once we have a little chat.”

“We don’t need a chat. Everything I said in high school still stands. I wanted nothing to do with you then and still don’t.”

His hand wrapped around my wrist, physically stopping me from moving past him. “You were a prude who thought you were better than everyone else. Apparently, that hasn’t changed. You smell of the big city and bitch.”

His hand tightened to the point of pain and I knew he would be leaving bruises.

“Take your hand off me.” Dread was starting to fill my stomach, knowing he was capable of terrible things.

“I will, once we talk.”