Leia blinked. “Um. Never thought of it. Although thinking about coming up with a story and characters … and the surprise plot twist … and outlining.” She shuddered. “Nah, I don’t think that’s for me.”
“Okay, then how about something shorter? Somewhere you can write all the thoughts that ramble in your head. Oh, oh, oh! I got it. What about a blog?”
“A blog? About what?”
“About anything.” The more Vivi thought of the suggestion, the more she liked it. “Do you know how to cook? No, scratch that. There are a gazillion billion cooking blogs. Hmm … how about art? Decoupage?Movie critic? Gardening?Star Warsaficionado?”
“The spelling of my name notwithstanding, I don’t really do any of those things. I used to clean a bar and I refuse to write about that.”
Vivi pursed her lips as she thought. “What about living with a bunch of bikers? I bet you have many stories that us civilians would love to hear.”
Leia cocked her head and bit her lip. “I don’t think Brim would appreciate me blabbing his secrets on the Internet.”
“What happens in a biker club stays in a biker club?”
“Yeah, something like that.”
Vivi drummed her fingers on the tabletop. “What if it was done anecdotally? It could be like a fan-fiction page.”
Leia tilted her head as she pondered the idea. “That sounds interesting, actually. I could totally do fan fiction.”
Vivi beamed. She loved problem-solving.
“What about you?” Leia asked softly. “I’m sorry to hear about your brother.”
All levity drained in an instant. For a moment, her heart hurt and she absently rubbed her chest. “Thank you. It’s been … difficult. We didn’t even get a chance to mourn him together because I was taken and Zaylah got stuck working as a whore.”
Leia gasped. “What?”
“She hasn’t told me that in so many words, but I got the gist of what she didn’t say. I’m not dumb.” She shrugged, trying hard not to break down. “I had three months to do nothing but think about my brother’s selfish decisions, and I’m not entirely sure I want to forgive him.”
“That’s grief talking. Stage two is anger.”
“Sounds like you know something about that.”
A touch of sadness stole into Leia’s gaze as her focus drifted off to memories. “Yes, but I’ve finally made it to the acceptance phase.” She shook her head and the cobwebs melted away. “But back to this blog. Bikers get a bad rap from preconceived notions that they’re all thugs and criminals. While that might be true for some, it’s not for all. The Death Riders are a family. All of us working together for a different life, other than what we’ve been dealt. I know each of those men would lay down their life for Brim or for me, and I’d do the same for them.”
“I think I’m jealous.”
“You said you were locked in a room for three months?”
Vivi nodded. “Yep. I would’ve lost my mind if I hadn’t done yoga every day. Still, I never want to be locked up again.”
“Hm. You should make a list of ways to never get kidnapped again.”
The idea sparked to life, and Vivi jumped to her feet to hurry over to the woman behind the counter.
“Do you have a pen? I’ll bring it back.”
The barista reached in her apron pocket and pulled out a pen, holding it out. Vivi smiled her thanks, grabbed a napkin, and returned to the table to sit and write. Excitement grew and she couldn’t wait to show Lincoln.
Leia’s phone buzzed and she looked down to read the message before typing a response.
“Ready for shopping? Chase just texted. She’s going to join us.”
Vivi nodded enthusiastically. “I remember Thorn talked about her. Yay! Girls’ day!”
A few minutes later, Leia rose and refilled her coffee, and as soon as she sat back down, the door flung open and a beautiful blonde woman rushed in. Leia waved at her and she headed toward them.