“Vivi!” Lincoln bellowed. “Get your ass in here!”
She bounded down the hallway to see him at the kitchen table with an open box. Not too long after the funerals, they had rented their little home and she had found a job working in the only yoga studio in Cardinal. Her sister and new brother-in-law had come for a visit, and Damon had threatened Lincoln with bodily harm if one hair on her head was harmed. When they hosted a BBQ, Parker made certain he shook Thorn’s hand to thank him for saving his brother. Thorn said they were even since Parker helped save his.
“What the fuck is this?” he asked as he picked up the strap-on dildo from the packing peanuts.
“Oh! It came!” She gave a happy clap.
“And who did you order this for?”
“You. I told you we were going to circle back to this. I mean, even Deadpool tried it for National Women’s Day.”
He pinched the bridge of his nose. “No.”
“Don’t you wanna be like Deadpool?”
“I mean, you’re an intelligent man. You went to college. I’m sure there were many instances when you did something you didn’t want to do. And then when you finally did it, you were wondering why you never did it in the first place.”
“I never thought I’d see you scared.”
“There’s nothing to be scared of. I’ll prep you.”
“Still nope. This isn’t like karaoke. You’re not going to change my mind.”
She gave a dramatic sigh. “Ug. You hurt my feelings. I spent a lot of time looking at website after website after website, contemplating which dildo was the right one. There was a lot of girth verses length arguments until I found the perfect one.”
“I’m not surprised at all.”
“Don’t you wanna know which won?”
“I’m not even sure about the contest.”
“I finally settled on one that reminds me of you.”
He frowned. “How am I supposed to take that?”
“Oh, it’s a compliment. You’re perfect so why not get your perfect dick as a dildo?”
“I hope that was a rhetorical question.”
She grinned. “I’ll give you a blowjob.”
“You’ll give me one regardless. Admit it. You like driving me crazy with that mouth and tongue of yours.”
“So, want me to slip into the strap-on?”
“You can put it on. You’re not going to fuck me with it.”
She puffed her lips out in a pout. “Okay. I see we’re gonna have to circle back to this conversation again.”
“No conversation needed. And I’m going to burn that thing.”
Vivi gasped. “Don’t hurt Little Linc!”
“That isnotthe dildo’s name.”
She rushed over and grabbed the strap-on, pushed it back into the box, and folded up the flaps. With it firmly under her armpit, she marched out of the kitchen.
“Fine!” she called out. “We’ll talk again on our anniversary. I’ll wear you down yet, Linc Rollison!”
Smiling, she headed for their bedroom, stuffing the box in the back of the closet. She’d use it one day.
The End