Page 36 of Wonderland

“What if they ask about Milly?”

“Then you change the subject. We’ve already explained that this interview is to only be about the book! If they bring Milly up on live TV, they’ll have me to deal with!” I threatened. Liv had flown up for extra support, and Diego was on his way. We all knew how hard today was going to be for Alex. Well, for all of us.

“You really put your heart and soul into this book, Alex.” The blonde female presenter fluttered her eyelashes at him. “I love that you didn’t pull punches when talking about your addictions.”

“I wanted to be open and honest. Everyone watched me destroy myself when Steel Roses split up. I was thankful the fans still bought my records when I went solo, but I wanted to share my journey and prove that all you need is the love of a good partner. If you love that person enough, you can fight to be better.”

The presenter nodded. “This book explains that you hit rock bottom quite a few times. One of those being when Vanessa Brookes died. I think we were all shocked to learn of your affair with her while she was dating your best friend, Matt Higgins. Although, it does explain the rift between the two of you for so long. Is all forgiven now? Has Matt read your book?”

“I don’t think he’s read all of it, but Matt and I are finally on speaking terms again. You’ve got to leave the past in the past at some point. Do I regret the affair with Vanessa? No…I don’t. Because from that relationship, I learnt what I wanted…what I needed.” Alex was handling this interview so well that tears swelled in my eyes.

“I think the presenter wants to dry hump him,” Diego whispered in my ear, making me snort. “She looks like a bitch in heat!”

“He can handle it,” I muttered. “You should have seen the crazy fan in Boston yesterday, trying to show him her panties.” Diego’s eyes widened. “Ask him about it later. It was hilarious!”

We both turned back to Alex on the stage, surrounded by cameras. “You talked about the strain of the Steel Roses tour and how that was the last time you relapsed.” I didn’t like the way she was leading this question. “Do you think you might relapse from the death of Milly Crown?” The fucking bitch! Oh, she was going to fucking pay! I knew her boss and would have her fucking job for this!

Alex’s eyes went soulless for a few seconds. It was live TV! Come on, baby! You’ve got this! Clearing his throat, Alex took a deep breath. “I’m not ready to talk about Milly right now, but I won't relapse because I have my wife and dear friends looking out for me.”

“Oh, yes, your wife.” The presenter shifted in her seat, a little uncomfortable. “I have to say, Alex, the chapters about her are enough to make any female jealous. The fact she was a groupie you saw at one of your concerts…it could have been any one of your fans. The way you speak of your love for her, it’s really quite compelling.”

“You’re wrong about her being just any one of my fans. She is unique, trust me. There’s only one Natasha Harbour. Anyone that has truly been in love would understand the feelings I have for my wife. She has saved me in every way possible. She loved me when I couldn’t even love myself. There are plenty of love stories like ours out there, I simply like ours the most.”

“Your wife certainly is a lucky woman,” the presenter blushed, wrapping up the interview.

“No, I’m the lucky one.” Alex grinned sweetly at her. Shit! I fucking loved this man!

The moment they were off air, I stormed over, ready to have it out with the bitch!

“I know you reporters are always trying to chase a story, but did you read the damn contract that went with this interview?” I hissed at her while she shuffled all her papers. Alex hadn’t even gotten up. Clearly, he wanted a front row seat to see me losing my shit at this woman.

“Oh, sorry. I must have missed the fine print,” she sighed, not even looking up at me.

“Bitch, don’t even try to play this game with me! I’m good friends with Mr. Hesser, the CEO of this broadcasting company! I can have your boney ass fired within minutes!” That got her attention, her worried eyes meeting mine. “Next time, I suggest you read all the fine print! If you’re going to be that sloppy, you won’t have a career in television for long!”

“I…I'm sorry, I…” She was stuttering, trying to find the right thing to say to save her job. Flashing my eyes to Alex, I could tell he was loving every second.

“I’m not the one you need to apologise to!” I snapped, motioning toward Alex.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Harbour. It was very careless of me. It won’t happen again.”

“After that interview and being in breach of contract, I doubt you’ll ever be allowed to interview me again.” Blondie’s eyes looked alarmed. “This is my wife, by the way.” Alex beamed proudly, as realisation hit her face. Yes, and I’ll defend him with my life, Bitch!

“Babycakes, drink this!” Diego gave me a shot of espresso. It had been such a long day. Darren was with Alex as he sat for the only book signing event of the tour. It was an invitation only signing, so New York wasn’t swamped with Alex Harbour groupies, but there were about three hundred people in here.

Diego and I had found a sofa tucked away in the corner of the room to sit and relax while we waited. “How are you holding up?” I asked him. Diego knew I wasn’t talking about today.

“I’ve cried so many tears. I don’t know where they all come from, but there’s no stopping them. Remi has been so patient with me.”

“That’s because he loves you!” I nudged him playfully. “It feels weird being here in New York and not seeing her, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah, she would have barged her way in by now and told everyone that she wrote this book, not Alex.”

I snorted at that, knowing it was true. Milly had known everything about Alex’s life. “I think Alex is bottling his feelings up. He’s trying to be strong for the book tour. He hasn’t shed a tear since the funeral.”

“Alex does that. He’ll break once he gets back home. The one thing Alex will never do is fall apart in public.”

“With the tour approaching, what if he doesn’t have time to break?”