Page 43 of Wonderland

“How did you get your bike up in the mountains again?” I giggled once we reached the end of the track. Alex handed me the spare helmet. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been on the back of his bike.

“I got it delivered up here a few weeks ago. The roads around the mountains are perfect for riding. If we don’t go off-road, that is.” Excitedly, I zipped my leathers up, watching Alex’s hungry gaze. “I’m taking those leathers off you when we get back.” I did look a little bit like Cat woman, so I really couldn’t blame him.

It felt amazing holding onto him as we glided along the road, through the mountains. Alex was always carefree when he was on his bike.

We stopped for a coffee after a few hours at a small, quiet cafe. For once, no one noticed Alex, but there were only two other people there, including the owner.

“This kind of peace and quiet makes me not want to finish the tour,” Alex admitted, sipping his coffee.

“You are pure magic on that stage. The chemistry you have with Lance after such a short time is amazing!”

“I’ve been jamming with Lance for a long time. He reminds me of Matt in some ways.” I pulled a face. “Matt did have some good qualities, once,” he chuckled.

“I find that hard to believe. All I’ve ever seen is him trying to destroy you.”

“It wasn’t always like that, I promise. When we were younger, before Ness came between us, he was my best friend.”

“Then shit happened.”

“Yeah, shit definitely happened.” Searching my eyes, Alex took my hands in his. “That shit had to happen for me to get here, though. As much as Matt makes my fucking blood boil, I want him to find peace someday. Being on self destruct…it’s not a good way to live.” Alex would know; he’d been that way before I met him.

“You are so selfless,” I breathed, leaning in to peck his lips. “The fact that you wish the best for Matt after everything he’s done, shows you’re the better man.”

“I’m your man, that’s all that matters to me.” He reached out and caressed my face. I traced his arm with my fingertips, focusing on the Latin words Dum Spiro, Spero tattooed there. “I’m glad I kept breathing.”

“Me, too,” I whispered, kissing him deeply.

“Let’s get back to the cabin,” he purred the moment our lips broke apart. “I’m dying to peel you out of those leathers.” How could I resist that face?

“I don’t think I’ll ever lose my stage fright, but I have to admit, having you there where I can see you definitely helps,” Alex admitted, bringing a glass of juice for each of us over to where I sat. We’d been at the cabin for eight days now.

“Well, lucky for you, I enjoy watching you from there. It’s better than front row seating.” I was so proud of him. He’d been incredible on the first leg of this tour. The reviews had been glowing and the energy Alex had on stage drove the fans crazy.

“The temptation I get every night to drag you onto the stage and sing to you is overwhelming.” I gave him an alarmed look. “I know you hate being in the spotlight, Straight Lace.” He snorted. “Relax.”

“Once was more than enough for me,” I scowled. “You say the fans love me now, but I’m still the woman that married their dream, whether I’m a groupie or not. They pay to see you on stage entertaining them. Not you serenading me.” Alex shook his head, sipping his juice. “I get enough serenading when I’m alone with you. I don’t mind sharing you with the fans once in a while, but only when you’re on stage.”

“Oh, you don’t mind sharing me now, do you? Does that mean I can do a few stage dives on the European leg?”

“Absolutely not!” I chuckled. “They aren’t allowed to touch you. They can look, but that’s it.”

“Mmm…this possessive side is very sexy, Straight Lace.” Running his hand up my bare leg, I shuddered. “I’m definitely rubbing off on you.”

“Stop talking and fuck me,” I challenged. Alex didn’t need to be told twice.

I woke up in the middle of the night, feeling him toss and turn next to me, calling out my name.

“Hey,” I soothed, coaxing him out of his nightmare. “It was just a dream.”

Alex opened his eyes, shaking some thought away as he focused on me. “Fuck, that felt more real than the other night.”

“Have you been having bad dreams for a while?” He hadn’t mentioned them to me, so I was a little surprised.

“Not a bad dream, really. I’m climbing up this mountain as dawn breaks, but I never quite reach it. No matter how hard I push myself, the summit is out of reach. My heart knows you’re up there, but I can’t get to you.” I give him a sympathetic look. “I sound crazy, don’t I?”

“After all the battles you’ve fought in your head, climbing a mountain is pretty symbolic.”

“I’ll reach that summit for you, Straight Lace.” His voice was soft, but full of promise.