Page 25 of Wonderland

“I bet there was some hate mail, too.” Liv nodded with a smirk. “Any death threats?”

“No, but a lot start with ‘Bitch, you stole my man!’” I’d been married to Alex for over a year. You would think they'd be over it by now.

“His fanbase is crazy,” I muttered, turning back to my computer. Liv joined me once she'd grabbed her laptop and we worked and joked for a few hours. I was doing well hiding this pregnancy so far!

“Mmm…something smells good,” Alex purred, coming up behind me while I was finished off the sauce to go with the chicken. “Sorry I’m a bit late.” He kissed my neck and squeezed my butt at the same time.

“Liv and Shane have gone out for the evening.”

“Mmmm…are you telling me that we have the mansion completely to ourselves?” Whatever Alex had planned, we were eating first!

“You need to sit down and eat first! You can pour both of us a juice from the fridge.” Knowing he’d do as I asked, I quickly dished up the stuffed chicken in a creamy sauce, with fried potatoes and spinach.

“This looks great!” Alex replied as I placed the plate in front of him.

“How did it go with the publisher then?” Please say they’d gone for it!

“I’ve signed an exclusive deal with them. They can get the book out before Matt’s!” Yes! That smug bastard was going to flip when he found out!

“Alex, that’s amazing!”

“I’ve got to outline a draft, and I was hoping you might help me with that. They’ve suggested I use some unseen photos with the book. We’ll have to get all my old Steel Roses stuff down. I’ve got too many photo albums. N…Ness was always taking photos in the early days.”

“Of course I’ll help you. You can say her name, you know. I don’t feel threatened by her anymore.”

“She never had my child growing inside her, and knowing what love is now with you, I’ve realised that I never truly loved her. It was six years of infatuation, nothing more.”

“That experience made you realise what true love was, though. You’ve got to be open and honest when you draft this book. That’s what the fans will want. They’ll want to be inside your head. Trust me, when they read your version of events, the fans will love you even more.”

“The best chapter will be when you walked into my life.” I was blushing and overheating at his gaze. We’d almost finished our food.

“How long have they given you to write the book?”

“A year. It will come out two weeks before my album. I’m thinking of discounting the album to everyone that buys the book. Matt’s book is due out the same day as my album. He thinks it will affect my sales!” I snorted at that! Matt really thought he was something. “It’s all going to be top secret. I don’t want Matt publishing his earlier if he gets wind of what we’re planning.”

“I can’t wait to see that asshole's face!”

“Did you get any dessert?” Alex mused, his eyes darkening.

“Umm…no. There is some fruit and squirty cream in the fridge if you’re still hungry, though.”

“Squirty cream, you say?” Oh! I had a feeling dessert was going to be me. “I’ll meet you at the dining room table. You better be naked, with your legs open wide for me. You have one minute.” I’d never run to the dining room so fast in my life!

Alex and I were waiting until I was eight weeks before we visited the doctor. It was partly because I was too scared to visit sooner. What if something was wrong with this baby, too?

Waking up in the early hours of the morning with awful cramps that were spasming every few minutes, I began to panic! No, not again. I was only seven weeks, this couldn’t be happening!

“Nat?” Alex questioned as I clutched my stomach. “What’s wrong? Is it the baby?”

“It’s okay,” I tried to soothe. “I need to pee. That’s all.” I wasn’t going to worry him until I checked. Although, I could already feel the blood soaking my panties.

Sitting on the toilet, I began to sob uncontrollably. There wasn’t a lot of blood, but the pain…I knew this pain. I’d gone through it before. I was losing our second baby! Was seven weeks all the time this Little Bean was allowed? It was shorter than the first!

“Nat? You’re scaring me. Can I come in?” Fuck, I had to let Alex see me like this. I couldn’t shut him out. I’d promised.

“Yeah,” I sobbed. His eyes began to water the moment they met mine. “I’m so sorry. I couldn’t hold onto this one either. I’m miscarrying again.” Alex knelt in front of me in seconds, holding me as tightly as he could.

“Oh, baby!” he cooed into my hair as he held me. “We’ll get through this together. None of this is your fault.”