Page 23 of Wonderland

“Move the fuck on, Matt!” Mason backed Alex and Cody up. “If you weren’t such a pretentious cunt, we would all still be making Steel Roses music. You killed the band, not Alex. The dude has been through enough! Stop fucking torturing him!”

“Lance is a better guitarist than you anyway,” Alex goaded as the cameras spun around toward them. Matt lunged at Alex, bearing his teeth in anger. “Smile, Matt! You’re on camera,” Alex cautioned as Matt was about to hit him.

“Matt! Not here!” David grabbed him, trying to stop the damage, but it was already done. The entire world was watching Matt attempt to hit Alex

“If it’s going to make you feel better, hit me! I don’t fucking care anymore!” Alex stepped away from Cody, Mason and Lance, who were standing in front of him. “This feud needs to end with both of you!” Alex turned his gaze toward David. “Nat is my wife. You had your chance years ago when she was actually in love with you. Stop being a sore loser and move the fuck on! Neither of you can break us, no matter how hard you try, so you may as well just give the fuck up now! I will be making an album with my friends. There isn’t anything you can do. Stop this ridiculous vendetta against me or I will fucking ruin you both! Do you understand?” The camera had paned around elsewhere. “You don’t have the power to break me anymore, Matt. Only one person has that power now.” Alex’s eyes searched for mine, and when they found me, his expression was soft. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to finish the evening with my wife! Who is looking incredibly beautiful tonight!” Damn him! Now I was blushing as Lance, Cole, Mason and Cody all agreed with him.

“Shall we get out of here, baby?” Alex asked once he reached me. “I’ve had enough award shows for one night.” It was like he could read my mind!

Chapter Ten

The mansion was quiet as Alex, and I stepped inside. I started to make my way toward the staircase, but Alex grabbed my hand. “Nope, I have other plans for you. We’re not going upstairs, yet.” That predatory look was in his eyes again. Instantly, I was aroused. Where was he taking me?

Stepping into his studio, Alex locked the door behind us. Holy shit! Was he going to fuck me in here? This was his private space.

“Lean against the table by the mixing desk,” he ordered, slipping out of his jacket and unbuttoning a few buttons on his shirt. “Fuck, you’re the only muse I’ll ever need, Straight Lace.” My mouth parted, watching him roll the sleeves up on his shirt. Whatever he was planning, Alex was getting comfortable.

Leaning against the table as he asked, I parted my legs, inviting him closer. Alex took the bait, stalking toward me. He bit his bottom lip as his eyes roamed me hungrily. “You know what seeing you perform does to me,” I purred, running my fingers down my chest, over the parts of my breasts that were exposed.

“Stop touching yourself. That’s my fucking job!” Alex’s lips were hard against mine in an instant as he lifted my ass onto the table. He parted my legs wider, standing in between them while he tried to take the breath out of me with his passionate kiss. The slit on the side of my dress made it easy for Alex to slip his hand up toward my inner thigh. Gasping into his mouth as his fingers slipped inside my panties, I clung to his neck, pulling him closer. “Shit! You’re really wet. If any of this is going too fast, tell me, okay?”

“Alex, make me cum already,” I demanded, cupping the huge bulge in his pants. “Then I want you to fuck me with this until I see fucking stars.” His fingers were on me within seconds as he captured my lips again. My body jolted at the glorious rhythm he was strumming on my clit. Rocking against his hand, I threw my head back and moaned. His lips travelled down the base of my neck, toward my breasts. As he freed one from its confinement, I closed my eyes. His tongue flicked over my nipple before he sucked it into his hot mouth. “Mmm…I need to taste all of you.” Before I could blink, Alex knelt in front of me. My panties had been pulled to one side as his tongue explored my overheated centre. Gripping my legs, he held me in place as he slowly brought my orgasm to the surface. When I climaxed, my cry was a plea for mercy.

Standing in front of me, the sexy bastard licked his lips, enjoying the taste of me on his tongue.

“Fuck me!” I begged. “I need you to fuck me!” I was desperate for him, my entire body was on fire. As I helped him undo his pants, his cock sprang free. Slowly, he knelt down, pulling my panties down my legs and stuffing them in his pocket as he stood back up. Lining up against my entrance, Alex searched my eyes before slowly filling me inch by inch.

We both gasped, holding each other. Fuck, it felt so good!

“You okay?” he asked, concerned, lifting my face up to meet his eyes. “I’m not hurting you?”

“No, it feels fucking amazing. Fuck me, Alex. I promise you won’t break me.” That was all he needed to start pounding into me. His pace wasn’t rough to start with, as if he was still testing me. Once I wrapped my legs around his waist, though, drawing him closer, he realised I was fine and started to really fuck me. He pulled the top of my dress open, exposing both of my breasts. Palming one, he sucked the other nipple into his mouth, making me moan. I’d never get enough of being fucked this way. It was a pure, raw need. Alex needed this to know things were going to be okay. Feeling his hips rock against mine, I knew we could get through this. Life had to go on. Our little one would have wanted it that way. We’d always miss him, but we had to honour him by living the best life possible.

“Fuck, baby. I’m close. I can’t hold on much longer.”

“I’m almost there,” I groaned, rocking against him. Alex slipped his fingers down onto my clit, helping my release. We both came, groaning against each other's mouths. “Holy fuck! That was…”

“Fucking phenomenal!” Alex finished my sentence, resting his forehead against mine. “We need to fuck in here more often. I reckon I’d have a whole album written in a week.” Pecking my lips, he helped me off the table. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Yes! Stop worrying, please! I’m healed. You can fuck me any way you want.” Putting my tits back in my dress, Alex gave me a devilish grin.

“I’ll give you a ten second head start before I throw you over my shoulder and carry you to our bedroom caveman style.”

“You wouldn’t,” I scoffed. “I’m in heels!”

“I’m well aware of that. One.” Shit! He meant it! Spinning on my heels, I made a run for it, unlocking the door and giggling as he counted.

Alex caught me on the landing at the stop of the stairs, picking me up. He slapped my ass once I was over his shoulder. Diego gave us a questioning look as he came out of his bedroom to see what all the commotion was about.

“We can’t talk right now, Diego. I need to service my wife!” Alex stated. Diego was chuckling to himself as I gave him an apologetic look over Alex’s shoulder.

Throwing me down on the bed, Alex stripped in front of me. The look in his eyes told me that we were in for a long night. I couldn’t fucking wait!

I lay in the darkness hours later, more than satisfied with Alex’s endless love making. Reconnecting this way, I’d never felt closer to him. “Why didn’t you tell me you were performing tonight?” I whispered, lying on his chest. Alex was still awake, I could tell from the way he was breathing.

“I wanted to surprise you.” Shifting in the bed, he moved a little closer. “I didn’t want to bombard you with everything, though. You’ve been through enough. It’s been nice seeing you smile tonight.”

“Well, it was an eventful night. Watching you perform, The Midnight Outcasts winning an award. You squaring up to Matt and David! I’m guessing Lance is the missing piece of your new album?” Alex never ceased to amaze me with his plans. Getting Lance to play with Cody, Masen and him, well, it was nothing short of genius!