I gasp. “Is it?”

Shoot! Where did the time go?

Today is opening day for Josh’s animal sanctuary. With all the cattle gone and the outbuildings refitted to accommodate multiple species, the place is ready to go. Today, the mayor and other attendees are coming by, and Josh’s picture will be taken for the local newspaper.

I can’t miss this. Today is bigger than big. It’s huge.

“See you there!” Grabbing my purse, I scoot out the door, buckle Gabe into his car seat, and drive for what used to be Silver Creek Ranch but is now Wild Heart Animal Sanctuary.

As I pull up to the sanctuary, I can see that the parking lot is already filling up with cars. I find a spot near the entrance and gather Gabe in my arms. The air is cool and crisp, and the foliage surrounding the sanctuary has started to change colors. Fall is my favorite season, and I’m glad that we get to celebrate this special occasion on such a beautiful day.

As I approach the entrance, I’m greeted by the sight of a large crowd gathered around a stage that has been set up for the ribbon cutting. Josh is standing front and center, speaking animatedly to a group of reporters. He looks handsome in hisjeans and plaid shirt, and his easy smile makes my heart skip a beat.

I walk over to him, holding Gabe tightly. “Congratulations, honey.” I lean in for a kiss.

“Thanks, babe.” He grins at me, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

I return his sweet smile, my heart swelling with pride.

All around, the atmosphere is festive. Cookies and drinks fill the tables, and cornhole and hula hoops are set up for people to play with. There are balloons and colorful decorations everywhere, and the sound of happy chatter and laughter fills the air.

As we wait for the ribbon-cutting ceremony to begin, I glance around the crowd, spotting familiar faces. My parents are here, as well as some of our closest friends. Even Riley has flown into town for the event. Catching my eye, she waves at me, and I wave back.

Mayor Sanchez comes onto the stage. “Congratulations, Josh.” She shakes his hand.

“Thank you.” He beams with pride.

“Would you like to say a few words?” She gestures at the microphone set up. The crowd has already settled down, half the people in it looking at him expectantly.

Josh steps up to the microphone, looking out at the sea of faces before him. “I want to thank everyone for coming out today,” he says, his voice carrying over the crowd. “This sanctuary has been a dream of mine since I was a little boy, and to see it finally come to fruition is absolutely amazing.”

The crowd erupts in applause, and I can see tears glistening in Josh’s eyes. He takes a deep breath, composing himself.

“I want to thank my partner, Erin, for her unwavering support and for being my rock through all the ups and downs of this journey.” He turns to face me, a look of love and gratitude in his eyes. “And I want to thank my son, Gabe, for being the light of my life and for inspiring me to create a better world for all animals. And my dad, for giving me the go-ahead to do this in the first place.”

The crowd cheers again, and I feel tears in my eyes. Josh is truly a wonderful man, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have him in my life.

As he continues to speak, I think about all the hard work that went into making this sanctuary a reality. It took a year of planning, fundraising, and construction, but now the Wild Heart Animal Sanctuary stands as a testament to Josh’s vision and dedication.

When it’s time to cut the ribbon, Josh does it slowly so that everyone can get their pictures, and then he turns around and kisses me on the lips. Even though we’re standing in front of half the town, my legs turn to jelly.

There’s a loud whistle, and Josh and I both grin, knowing that it’s Sam.

…Who I also noticed was eyeing Riley a few minutes ago.

Making a mental note to set them up, I turn my attention back to Josh and watch as he shakes hands with everyone.

As the hubbub part comes to an end, Josh takes my hand and leads me off the stage towards the newly constructed animalpens. We’re surrounded by various animals — alpacas, sheep, and even a few pigs. It’s clear that the sanctuary is already doing wonders for these animals who have been rescued from abusive or neglectful situations.

Josh takes Gabe from my arms and holds him up to one of the alpacas. The baby’s eyes widen with amazement. “Do you see the baby alpaca, Gabe? That’s called a cria.” Gabe giggles and reaches out for the alpaca.

I watch the two of them, feeling a sense of contentment that surpasses any other joy I’ve ever experienced. It’s as if all the hardships of the past have melted away, leaving only this moment of pure bliss.

Josh’s gaze finds mine. “I should be schmoozing.”

“Then go schmooze.” I reach for the baby, but he doesn’t hand him over.

“No, I have something else in mind.” Something mischievous glints in his eyes. “Come on.”