On one hand, the prospect of having my own practice in San Antonio is incredibly tempting. I can’t deny that part of me is eager to jump at the chance.

But on the other hand, there’s Josh. He’s here in Fort Williams, and I don’t want to leave him behind. Even though we only just reconnected, I can’t bear the thought of being away from him for too long.

If I thought I was torn before, that was nothing compared to what I’m feeling now.

I pull out of the parking lot and head back to the ranch. Fumbling for my phone once more, I call Riley.

“Hey, what’s up?” she answers after a few rings.

“Hey. I need your help.” I take a deep breath. “Sakina offered me the opportunity to run a second location for the practice in San Antonio. But I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to leave Fort Williams and Josh, but this is a huge opportunity for me.”

There’s a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Riley speaks. “Wow, Erin. That’s a big decision.”

“I know,” I groan.

“Are you… are you considering staying in Fort Williams?”

I hesitate. “Well yeah, maybe… Okay, yes. I’ve been thinking about it for a while.”

She laughs out loud. “I would say that hell has frozen over, except I saw this coming.”

“You did?” I turn off of Main Street and take the country road that leads to Silver Creek Ranch.

“Yeah. It sounds like you and Josh have a really special connection. And let’s face it, you’re head over heels for the guy.”

I can feel myself blushing at her words. “I guess you’re right.”

“I know I am. But Erin, this is still a huge opportunity for you. You need to weigh your options and think about what you really want. Don’t rush into making a decision.”

She’s right, of course. I need to take some time to really think this through.

Am I being irrational by considering staying here for a guy?

It’s not like Josh is any guy. He’s the only man who has ever truly lit me up. What we have is the kind of thing people search a whole lifetime for.

Yes, if I go back to San Antonio, we’ll still see each other. But with me basically running a practice, it will be a whole lot less, and what will that do to our connection? Long-distance relationships are hard enough as it is.

“There are always other jobs,” I find myself saying, “but there’s no other Josh.”

“Sounds like you have your answer.”

Relief and excitement bloom through me.

But what about Josh’s opinion? Would he even be all right with me staying in town, or would he think that we’re moving too fast?

There’s only one way to find out.

I’ve run out of time to say anything else because I’m already pulling into Josh’s driveway. “Thanks for listening, Riley. I really appreciate it.”

“Anytime, girl. Good luck with everything.”

I end the call and take a deep breath before getting out of the car. Josh is outside, working on one of the tractors. He looks up and smiles when he sees me, wiping the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

“Hey there, sexy,” he calls out as I approach.

“Hey, yourself.” I grin back, my heart dancing around like crazy.

He stands up straight and comes over to me, giving me a warm embrace that fills me with warmth and comfort. His lips find mine as if it’s second nature, and as we kiss, I slip away from the whole world. I’m right where I belong, safe in his arms.