“Yes.” I grin.
He releases me slowly, like it’s the hardest thing he’s ever had to do. “I’ll go close the tab. Be right back.”
“And I’ll be right here.” Sitting on a picnic table, I watch him walk inside, then pull my phone from my purse.
I haven’t checked my phone all day, and I want to make sure my parents don’t need anything. Since I’ve already finished packing up their house, I’ve been spending nearly every minute either working on the Fletcher’s Pond project or at Josh’s ranch. I’m not much of a cowgirl, but it’s fun to help with tasks, and at least I haven’t fallen on my butt since that first time.
Instead of a message from my parents, though, I discover a voicemail from Sakina.
At the sight of it, my chest tightens. All it takes is seeing a message and all the stress I left behind in San Antonio comes rushing back in.
I check the date on my phone’s calendar. It’s been nearly a month since my last day at work, the day I fainted.
Sakina told me to take a few weeks off. She must be calling because my time is up.
Maybe I shouldn’t even listen to the message. I could delete it and just disappear from my life in San Antonio.
But no, I don’t really want to do that. As stressful as my job is, it also gives my life meaning. Right now I’m in a love bubble with Josh, but soon enough that will normalize, and what will I be left with then?
Anyway, I won’t be able to sleep tonight without at least listening to the message. I know that much for sure.
I take a deep breath, hit play, and listen to the recording.
“Hi, Erin,” Sakina says. “Just checking in. It’s week three of your leave, and I wanted to see how you’re doing. If you feel like you’re ready to come back to work, we could really use you back next week. Give me a call and let me know. Bye.”
I sit there for a moment, my heart pounding in my chest. Do I really want to go back to work? I’ve been so happy here with Josh, far away from the stress and demands of my job.
But then again, I know I can’t run away from my responsibilities forever. And if I’m being honest with myself, I do miss the sense of purpose and accomplishment that comes with my work.
It’s too late to call my boss back now. At the least, I have the rest of the night to think about how I’ll respond.
As I sit on the picnic table lost in my thoughts, I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me from behind, pulling me into a tight embrace. I turn my head to see Josh smiling down at me.
“Hey there,” he says softly, his breath tickling my ear.
I smile back at him, feeling all of my worries and stresses melt away in his arms. “Hey,” I whisper back.
“Is everything okay?” he asks, concern etched on his face.
I take a deep breath and consider what to say. I’m so split, though, that I don’t even know what to tell myself.
And so I just smile at him. “Everything is perfect.”
He kisses my hand. “Well, let’s get back to my place and see if things can become even more perfect.”
He leads me to his truck, and for the time being I let all concerns about work slip away. Tomorrow will come, and I’ll make some choices then.
Tonight, I’m living for right now.
Stepping out of my car, I gather the flyers and poster board for this morning’s farmers market. Since Josh is busy feeding the animals, today it’s up to me to get the word out about Fletcher’s Pond.
As I walk towards the market, I can feel the warm sun beating down on me, and the lively chatter of vendors and customers fills my ears. It’s a beautiful day, and I should be smiling as I set up our booth.
But I’m not.