He shrugs helplessly. “I know, but maybe you would have thought I was only interested in one thing or something.”

My heart slams against my chest, and I feel my eyes widen in surprise. “Wereyou only interested in one thing?”

He looks up at me, then quickly looks away again. “No! No, of course not. I really liked you, Erin. You were different from all the other girls at school.”

My head is swimming. So Josh really did like me. All these years, I’ve figured that was just a ploy to get me out to Fletcher’s Pond so he could humiliate me in front of everyone.

“Different how?” I ask, my curiosity piqued.

He sets his jaw as he thinks for a moment. “You were smart and ambitious and… there was just something about you that was different. Good different, though.”

I find myself smiling at his words as a warmth spreads through me. It’s been a while since someone has said such things to me. More often than not, Dan only criticized me.

Looking at Josh now, I see a certain vulnerability in his eyes, as if he’s afraid of something. But what? Is he afraid of what I might say? Of how I’ll react?

“Thank you,” I say finally, unable to think of anything else to add to the conversation.

He nods, his gaze meeting mine, and it’s like an electric current passes between us.

“It is too bad we never got to finish that Truth or Dare game,” he says.

My pulse picks up. What would he have done differently, given the chance?

“Yeah.” My tongue feels heavy. “It’s not too late, though.”

Something sparks in his eyes — a hope, some inspiration. “It’s not?”

“Yeah.” Gathering all my courage, I take a step closer to him. The fresh smell of cut grass wafts off his body and wraps around me. He’s so tall, so strong that he could envelop me completely with his hug. “Truth or dare?” I ask.

His voice drops. “Truth.”

I pause, trying to think of a good question. My mind is blank, though, replaced by the sound of my own racing heart. Finally, I blurt out the first thing that comes to mind.

“What did you think of that kiss we shared?”

There’s a long, heavy moment with nothing but the distant sounds of cattle and a tractor. And then a languid smile pulls across Josh’s face.

“Tell you what.” He tips his cowboy hat back. “Meet me tomorrow night for a beer and I’ll let you know.”

My heart skips a beat at the invitation. I should say yes, but I’m afraid.

Afraid of this going poorly. Afraid of it going well.

I bite my bottom lip as I consider my options. Should I go for it and see where this leads, or should I play it safe and decline the offer?

Screw it. What do I have to lose anyway?

“Sure,” I answer.

Josh grins, revealing his perfect teeth. “Awesome. Meet me at the Rusty Spur at eight o’clock.”

With a final smile and a wave goodbye, he turns and walks away, leaving me standing with nothing but two cartons of eggs and a set of weak knees.



The next night, I arrive at the Rusty Spur at exactly eight p.m., my heart pounding with nervousness. It’s not every day that a man like Josh asks me out for a drink.