Despite what I told Deacon, I can’t ignore the tugging in my chest. Fletcher’s Pond is too important to me to just let it be destroyed. Memories come flooding back to me of late nights spent laughing and talking, of skinny dipping with friends, of feeling truly alive under the stars.

I hate to be one of those people, but high school really was the best years of my life. Back then I felt free and like I could take on the world.

I had the sense in high school that I could go anywhere and do anything if only I put my mind to it. I knew that I would no doubt inherit my father’s ranch, but I also saw that as a temporary thing. One day, I would sell the place and be out of there.

Well, “one day” has kept coming and going for the past fifteen years, and not much has changed at all. I’m still here, mucking and roping and waking up the next day to do it all over again.

Fletcher’s Pond represents a sparkling moment in life, and I can’t just stand by and watch it disappear.

After taking a picture of the flyer, I stuff my phone back into my pocket. I’m not looking forward to being in a situation that requires socializing, but I also can’t stand by and do nothing about this matter.

As I step out of the store, I catch a glimpse of the woman again. This time, I’m sure of it. It’s Erin.

Good God, she’s gorgeous. Her chestnut brown hair is still long, and her legs are even longer. She looks like a supermodel strutting down the street, making my heart race.

What is she doing back in town? Has she heard about the sale of Fletcher’s Pond? Is that why she’s here?

No. Probably not. The only time I saw her there was the night I invited her to the graduation party. She’s probably in town visiting her parents.

I’m frozen in place, unsure of what to do. It’s been years since we’ve spoken, and I don’t even know if she wants to see me.Before I can think any further, though, she rounds the corner and disappears out of sight.

I stand there for a moment, trying to gather my thoughts, before shaking my head and continuing on my way. There’s no point in dwelling on the past or what could have been with Erin.

She’s a big doctor, probably just here for a weekend before she peaces out once more.

And as it should be. She was always meant for bigger things.

Me? I’m just a country boy born to live a life predetermined for him. Erin Toomey and I couldn’t be more different if we tried.

Despite knowing that, I can’t seem to stop my feet as they take me down the sidewalk, straight to her.



At the bakery, I pause in the doorway and inhale the delicious smell of fresh bread and desserts.

It’s been so long since I’ve been back in this small town and even longer since I’ve let myself indulge in something sweet. I let my eyes wander over the display case, admiring the colorful array of treats on display.

A voice interrupts my thoughts. “Hey there, can I help you with something?”

I turn to see a smiling woman behind the counter. She’s wearing an apron and has flour dusted on her cheeks.

“Uh, yeah,” I say, feeling a bit flustered. “I’ll have a chocolate croissant and a latte, please.”

“Coming right up,” the woman says cheerfully.

As she prepares my order, I can’t help but admire the quaint charm of the bakery. It’s a far cry from the sterile hospital I’m used to working in.

But that’s why I’m here, isn’t it? To escape the clinical and experience something new for a change. To shake things up and recover from burnout.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear a voice behind me.

“You should try the almond croissants.”

Instantly, my heart rate picks up. Turning around, I come face-to-face with Josh.

His hair is a little longer than it used to be, which I didn’t notice when I saw him with his hat on earlier. He’s buff, tan, and his blue eyes are bright as two stars.