
A more judgmental sound had never been directed at Brendan before. He’d faced off against hundreds, if not thousands, of the most arrogant, psychopathic businessmen in the country, men and women who would make angels weep, but that one sound from this old woman cut him to the core.

“Hi, Janet,” said Nicole, appearing beside them. Brendan could have kissed her, even if she was suppressing one hell of a grin.

“Does this young man belong to you?” Janet asked as a way of greeting.

“In a manner of speaking. Please, fix him.”

“What size, dear?” Janet asked him.

“Sorry?” Brendan said, feeling very much in the firing line.

“Shoes, what size?”


With that she scurried away without a word, leaving Brendan feeling more exposed than if he’d walked in butt naked. Nicole was grinning ear to ear, thoroughly enjoying his discomfort.

“So, that’s Janet,” she said.

“She’s terrifying.”

“Yes, she is.”

“Thank you for not leaving me entirely alone with her,” he said unashamedly.

“I’m notthatmean.”

“Thank God.”

While Janet was maybe lacking the soft edges and niceties Brendan was used to in retail staff, she certainly knew what she was doing. Half an hour later she was taking a pair of boots and a stack of shirts and jeans to the counter, everything she had deemed necessary for him starting out, muttering under her breath the whole time. Brendan had been particularly humbled when he’d tried on the boots she’d presented him and immediately felt the difference in them, as if his whole back were being realigned. Nicole had been especially smug after that part of the process. It was a miracle she hadn’t uttered the words “I told you so.”

While Janet added up the total of the purchase at the counter, by hand, on the back of an envelope, with a calculator older than he was, Brendan wandered over to the corner where Nicole was looking through a bunch of leather belts, her hand hovering over a particular one. Brendan snuck a look at the belt she currently had wrapped around her waist, and even with his inexperienced eye, he could see how cracked and worn it was.

“I still don’t mind getting you something if you need it,” he said casually. He really did want to get her something, even if it was small. When was the last time anyone had gotten her a gift?

Nicole looked up at him with a small frown, but he could see her arguing with herself, her hand not leaving the belt she was holding.

“You pay me perfectly good money to buy my own things,” she said.

“Well, technically I haven’t paid you at all yet,” he said with a shrug. “Didn’t set that up to go into your account till tomorrow. So…”

She sighed and started talking very quietly. “Usually when people get me gifts and stuff they just hold it over me like I owe them something.”

Her neck was turning red at the confession, which must have cost her a lot to say out loud. It made sense, though, and Brendan couldn’t blame her for it.

“Have I been holding the farm over you?” he asked. “Or your job?”


He shrugged. “Then I don’t think you need to worry about a belt, Nicole.”

That seemed to give her pause and, after a deep breath, Nicole took the simple leather belt from the hook and held it tight in her hands.

“Thank you,” she said quietly.

“It’s fine—”