Realizing my disappointment, my mom quickly reassured me. "But remember, Skye, what works for me may not be what works for you. Take your time to think it through. Find your own journey."

I nodded, grateful for her understanding. It wasn't just about my change in demeanor; it was about the depth of her words, and the need to align them with my own thoughts.

"No, no, no!" I protested quickly. "I appreciate your insight. I just need some time to process it all. It's important to me."

"Great," Mom said, a mischievous smile dancing on her lips. "You know where to find me if you ever decide to make up your mind."

Curiosity burned inside me, so I decided to change the topic and ask about her date. "So, how did your date go?"

"Not so great, I'm afraid," Mom replied with a hint of disappointment.

"Oh no, was it cancelled?" I asked.

"Well, sort of," she said with a small pause. "We were just beginning to get to know each other when he got called into work. He's quite dedicated, you see, and takes his job very seriously."

A tinge of frustration crept into my voice as I probed for more details. "And who is this mysterious man?"

"You know I'm not going to tell you that," Mom responded, catching onto my tactics all too quickly.

"Come on, Mom, a name wouldn't hurt," I pleaded, hoping she would give in and provide a clue.

"I wish I could reveal it, but he's asked me not to tell any of my children just yet."

My mom is keeping the identity of the man she's planning to marry a secret, all because of some ridiculous obligations she feels bound to. I can't help but roll my eyes and let out a sarcastic laugh.

"That rule is beyond ridiculous," I muttered under my breath. Mom's expression remained hidden, but there was a soft, adoring look in her eyes whenever she glanced at the man whose name I still didn't know. "Can't you at least tell me what he does for a living? Give me a hint, maybe?" I pleaded.

"But I already gave you a clue before..."

"Yeah, I remember... Just give me another one, please. I need to figure out who he is..." I urged.

"Skye, be patient and wait for six months!" Mom replied, rising from my bed and taking a seat.

"Six months is an eternity, Mom. I can't wait that long..." I protested.

"Well, I don't have any more information to share until then," Mom answered.

"Do I have to grow a white beard before I even find out who this mysterious man you're marrying is?" I exclaimed, flopping back onto my pillow. My hand reached for my cellphone. "Will it even be a surprise?"

"Oh, it will be a delightful surprise, I promise!" Mom cheerfully responded to my last question.

"It better be!" I exclaimed, unlocking the screen of my phone and returning to my music playlist on Spotify in search of a song that matched my current level of energy. The room descended into an eerie silence after my outburst.

"Well, Skye, I've finished preparing dinner. Whenever you're ready, feel free to help yourself," my mom announced. "Oh, and don't forget to tell Ken that his dinner is in the large stainless cooler in case he comes back late," she added.

"Absolutely!" I replied, giving her a thumbs up to show that I had received the message loud and clear. Affirmative!

Mom exited the room, closing the door behind her with a satisfying click. The sound elicited an odd sense of calm within me.

Resting my head on the plush pillows, I continued to scroll through the screen of my phone, desperately searching for the perfect song to accompany my mood. Music had always been my solace during moments of solitude, a constant companion.

Frustrated by my inability to find a suitable song, I decided to remove my headphones and set them, along with my phone, gently onto the bed. Cradling the book I was currently engrossed in, I held it delicately within my hands.

For those who may be curious as to what I was reading, it was a twisted romance with a German title that I couldn't pronounce. Luckily, the book was actually written and translated in English. Greg's words hadn't affected me, but my own circumstances certainly did. I adored reading twisted romance stories, weaving elaborate tales in my mind about my ideal boyfriend and secret crushes. It was peculiar how I absorbed myself in romance novels and fantasized about relationships, yet I had yet to experience even a glimpse of true love in reality.

Well, it's true, Dax is a character woven into the complex tapestry of my imaginative narratives of entangled love. I find solace in the way he caresses my being, like the unexpected touch that transpired earlier today, a subtle provocation of desire that didn't require my explicit consent.

However, Dax possesses an audacity to live life on his own terms, and I am inexplicably drawn to that.