"The only thing missing is your brain, jerk!" she cursed.

"Yes, my brain always seems to go missing whenever I'm with you, whenever I lay my eyes on you..." I responded, twisting her words into an innuendo. Then, in a hushed tone that only she and I were meant to hear, I added, "Do you act this way because you're a virgin?"

"What kind of question is that?!" she exclaimed taken aback by my question.

"It's something I need to know... are you really?"

"You're out of your mind, Dax!"

"Yes, I am. Besides, you don't have to tell me because I already know you are," I said, prematurely stealing the words from her mouth.

"Why are you asking such a damn question?!" she asked, clearly uncomfortable.

"Because you act like one," I responded.

"How am I supposed to act?"

"I don't know, just... differently."

"You're just crazy, Dax," she sighed. And I relished in every ounce of unease I had caused her. I enjoyed it.

"You know, Skye, it's practically a tradition at Rosedale Academy for female students to lose their virginity," I began, my intention being to protect her innocence.

"And why are you telling me this, Dax?" she interrupted, eager to cut me off.

"Because, among the few remaining virgins at Rosedale Academy, you are one of them. It's quite surprising," I responded, trying to gauge when she might lose her virginity and to whom. I could tell this topic was making her even more uncomfortable.

"Stop asking me this!" she exclaimed, utterly disgusted.

"Answer me, I need to know!" I asked, my curiosity piqued. She was just too innocent for this school, for the world of rebellious students. Tresa wasn't exempt from that either.

"And why should I tell you?" she retorted.

"Just to satisfy my curiosity, what else?" I replied, the silence between us growing heavy. My patience was quickly wearing thin.

"Well, I don't know..." she responded.

"Why don't you know?" I asked, trying to understand her hesitation.

"Because I literally don't know, and you're freaking me out, Dax!" she said, frustration evident in her voice.

"Don't act like one day you won't lose your virginity to someone else!" I blurted out, my frustration mirroring hers.

"I will, but losing my virginity isn't something that occupies my mind. Now, would you please shut up and stop crowding my thoughts with negativity?" she said firmly.

"Are you having bad thoughts?" I questioned, genuinely curious.

"Well, you're making me think about negative things, so I guess you could say that," she replied defensively.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her response. "Is this your first time experiencing this kind of situation?" I asked, wanting to lighten the tension.

"No, it's my first time dealing with you trying to corrupt my innocent mind!" she retorted.

"Oh, please. Don't act like the novels you read aren't filled with explicit content," I blurted out, unable to hold back my frustration.

"Is that really what you think of me and my reading habits?" she asked, her voice filled with disappointment.

"Yep..." I muttered, regretting my choice of words instantly.