"It's all a lie. Nothing in there is real," she blurted out, sounding almost frantic. "I was foolish to believe that I had some weird crush on you. But those feelings are gone now."

"Do not say that," I pleaded, my heart crumbling with each word she spoke. "I still want to love you, Skye. I'm willing to fight for it, to fight for us."

"It's over, Dax. I don't love you anymore, not now, and definitely not ever," she said, her words cutting through me like a knife.

"But I do love you," I insisted, desperation seeping into my voice. "What I feel for you is real..."

"No, it isn't. Whatever you think you feel, it's not real. And it can never work between us. I'm asking you to stay away, to find someone else to love," she pleaded.

"But I felt it, that undeniable spark, when we kissed," I revealed, my voice filled with both longing and anguish.

"That kiss meant nothing, Dax. It was just an act, a pretense. Please, I don't want to talk about it anymore. Let's just pretend that there is nothing real between us from now on," she whispered, her voice tinged with sadness.

"So, you're just telling me to dismiss my love for you?" I asked, my heart shattering with each word.

"Dismiss it all, I don't believe in loving a fake-ass bully like you," she said.

As Skye's harsh words pierced through me, I found myself at a loss for words. Rejection had never been a part of my reality until this moment. In this unexpected twist, Skye's determination to put me in my place revealed a vulnerability I had never even recognized within myself. Curiously, I pondered over the reasons for my unexpectedly intense emotions. Could it be the undeniable allure she possessed, or was it simply the fact that she sat beside me in my car? Whatever this unfamiliar sensation might be, I couldn't endure it any longer. If Skye believed me to be a fake-ass bully, then perhaps it was time to reveal to her the true essence of what a bully truly entailed.

As the saying goes, some scars never fade, and once a bully, always a bully.

The words she uttered pierced my soul, each syllable a jagged shard tearing through the carefully constructed facade I'd built. Vulnerability, a feeling alien to me, pulsed through my veins, raw and exposed. Even Tresa, my former love of three years, never dared to speak to me with such blatant disrespect.

Fury, hot and primal, coursed through me. It was time to reclaim control, to assert the dominance I held dear. Without a word, I unbuckled my seatbelt, the hiss echoing in the deafening silence. The car door swung open, a stark declaration of my intentions.

I circled the vehicle, my steps fueled by an unwavering resolve.

Reaching the passenger side, I met her gaze, a silent command burning in my eyes.

My finger, a rigid extension of my will, pointed towards the street. This was my car, my domain, and her presence was no longer tolerated.

Confusion flickered across her face, the surprise momentarily replacing the defiance I had grown accustomed to. "What's going on?" she asked, her voice a whisper lost in the hum of the city.

But I remained silent. Words were inadequate tools to express the depth of my rage, the magnitude of her transgression. My actions spoke volumes, a silent declaration of the boundaries she had so brazenly crossed.

"Get out, Skye," I command, biting down on my bottom lip to keep my emotions in check.

"But this isn't the way to my home address," she states, her confusion growing.

"I don't really give a damn, but what I do give a damn about is you getting your sorry ass out of my car... Being around you just makes my heart race!" I admitted.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Nope, I'm dead serious... " and just to prove it, I trailed off as I immediately grabbed her arm, yanking her out of the passenger seat of my car.

"Hey, what the hell is this for? So you're just gonna leave me here all alone and stranded?"

"Figure out how to get home... I don't think it's too far from here. Tough it out!" I declared.

"You're such an asshole. I know you'll never change..."

"I tried to change, or at least for you, but you rejected me," I shot back, returning to my SUV and sliding into the driver's seat before slamming the door shut.

"Screw you, Dax!" she muttered under her breath.

But I twisted the words around and replied, "Catch you next summer!" I added, tapping the accelerator as I sped away.

I fought against the urge to not let my thoughts consume me. I'm a bully, aren't I? So I might as well act like one.