Page 86 of Bitter Lies

“Come on,” I tease kindly. “I’m sure you’ve always wanted to get a taste of me. I’m surprised you were so willing to give up my contract the way you did.”

Drago turns and lifts his nose into the air, breaking the touch. “A man like myself does not need to stoop to groping women who have no desire for my touch. Rest assured, Miss Isabella, I have done many a vile thing in my life, but never have I touched a person when the feeling was not mutual.”

I need to get him close despite the way his words sting. “A goodbye hug, then.” I don’t trust him. With good reason.

“So you may stab me in the gut? I think not.”

“You checked me yourself. You know I’m not hiding a single weapon on my body.”

He ignores my attempt to get close and shakes his head. “Sorry, my dear. This is where we part ways. I only brought you here today to deliver you personally to Mr. Froderick.”

A snap of his fingers sounds a moment before a car door slams somewhere in the distance, and I go on high alert. Wait a minute…this wasn’t supposed to happen.

I wasn’t equipped to deal with Froderick as well.

A man comes into view from behind the trunk of a large oak tree with rich sandy hair fanning his face and obscuring the details of his face. He’s tall, strong, and a mean scar travels from one side of his neck to the other like someone tried to cut his throat and failed.

“She’s as beautiful as you claimed, Prokhor.” Froderick’s voice is pure ice.

Oh, fuck.

Oh no, this isn’t good.

What did he do?

Froderick smiles at my dawning horror. And he wastes no time in grabbing my arm before I have a chance to pull away. He tightens his fingers on me and jerks, pulling me closer.

“Stop it.”

He laughs, yanking me to his chest, and when I’m close enough, he bites my ear. “She has a sense of humor as well. Oh, yes, we will have fun until I’ve used her past her usefulness.”

Froderick expects me to go for his dick and balls. He expects me to buck and kick and rear back to land a hit to his nose. He combats every attempt I make to break his hold and only bands his arms around me tighter.

“Yes, please do fight, Miss Balestra. I love it when they fight.”

He’s close enough for me to smell the stale cigarette smoke and something similar to roasted vegetables, the scent leaking from his pores.

There has to be something I can do to take him by surprise rather than fight. He’ll either expect me to continue to kick out or to go limp. I suck air in through my tightly clenched lips. A glimpse over Froderick’s shoulder shows two of his men standing at attention near the car.

He clamps a hand over my mouth. “I’d tell you to scream,” he whispers in my ear, “but I’d rather wait until we’re alone.”

The implication fills me with revulsion. Instinct takes over, and I lift my hand to his arm, pressing the back of my ring as close to his skin as I can get it. He’s not going to let me go easily. And I choose to go down with him if that’s what it takes.

Then I squeeze the right spot and send electricity charging through Froderick. He jerks, his spine going stiff before he starts to shake. His spasming muscles give me enough room to shake loose from his arms.

Drago lurches into motion with a yell, cutting across the distance between us with his gun raised. In the same instance, Froderick drops to the ground, still twitching, curling up on his side until he’s clenched into a fetal position.

“What did you do?” he thunders.

My heart pounds hard enough in my ears to make me dizzy, but I’m faster than him, even in borrowed clothes. I reach down to Froderick’s back and draw out the piece, swinging it between Drago and the other men who reacted to their boss being electrocuted.

I shake my head. “Clearly, I have a bigger sense of self-preservation than you think.” I cock the gun once he’s close enough to hear the safety go off. “So what now?”

He glowers at me, a black expression taking over his entire ruddy face. “What do you mean, what now? You’ll have to pay the price when he comes around.”

“Assuming he lives through what’s about to happen to him. Which is the same I can say for you.” I take a step toward him, blocking out the crunch of shoes on gravel coming from the nearby guards.

“You’re going to shoot your hand off if you keep holding the gun that way, Bella,” Drago states flatly.