Page 84 of Bitter Lies

Have Isabella drive separately to the Oak Lake cemetery. Alone. 6 sharp.

Meet me two blocks over at the red mailbox.

Bring extra clips.

I read the message three times before speaking, my attention lingering on the red rose emoji at the end. “I’m not sure what he means by this.” I point to the rose. “Is this about the roses Drago sent me?”

Ricardo groans and scrubs his hands along his cheeks and chin. “It means you are going to be the bait in this case. Carter and I will establish a perimeter near the grave Drago has chosen and make our move from there.”

“Wait, what? But Drago is done with me. He’s practically ready to send me to auction like some kind of expensive piece of beef.”

“Prokhor must have said something in his text to indicate he’s not done with you yet. Either way, you will be the reason he comes out of hiding. And we will be ready when he makes a mistake, although he will no doubt expect us as well. Hey, baby.” He catches my hand in his, some of his heat absorbing through my already frozen skin before I dive right off the deep end into hyperventilation. “It’s okay. If you aren’t comfortable going to the cemetery, then I won’t make you. We’ll find another way to get to Drago.”

I blink at him. “Why the cemetery? It’s the afternoon, but there are sure to be people there.” My mind has trouble lining the pieces up, the way my sister has no doubt already done. “What made him choose that place?”

“My guess? He has a specific reason.”

My focus sharpens on the silver bracelet still wrapped around my wrist. No. “It’s not possible.”

Ricardo focuses on the bracelet. “You said she disappeared when you were a kid, right? I’m going to assume Drago did his homework, and she really did die.”

“She can’t be there, though. It’s not possible. She must have left the area when my mom fired her.” It would only make sense.

“Then go to whatever grave marker Drago has picked out. And trust me to handle things on my end. I won’t let anything happen to you.” He straightens, turns his back on me, leaves me alone with my thoughts, which is the last place I want to be.

I won’t be afraid. No matter what happens, no matter what kind of pressure rests on my shoulders, I won’t be afraid. I repeat it to myself until Ricardo returns and gives me a nod.

He outfits me in a change of clothes, and although the pants are too big, they give me better maneuvering room than my own outfit. Underneath the large shirt, he straps me into a bulletproof vest that’s also a size too large, but the chafing is a small price to pay for the meager amount of protection.

“I’m going to be right there with you,” he murmurs as he buttons the shirt, tying the edges together for fit. “Even if you can’t see me, know I’m going to be there with you.”

I place my hand over his to keep him still, and his shaking takes me by surprise.

“I love you,” I tell him in an undertone. “No matter what happens, I need you to know that. I love you, Ricardo Assante. I have since the moment I met you, and I will until my last breath.”

“Then we’ll burn this world to the ground together.” He slides his fingers through mine. “I love you, too.”

Those three words I’ve waited a lifetime to hear, and they drop with the force of bombs, detonating through my system one right after the other.

“Say it again. Please.”

“I love you.”

“Not that part.” I drop my gaze down. “Tell me how we’re going to burn this world to the ground.”

He chuckles softly. “I’ll light your torch.”

Within minutes, we’re packed into separate cars on our way to the cemetery. Rather than the nerves, a strange and possibly misplaced sense of calm turns my limbs heavy.

We could just not go. That’s always a possibility. But how else are we going to meet with Drago? At least now we’ll know his movements, and he might not make such a large scene if we do this in broad daylight.

Why there, though? Why now?

Ricardo bundles me into the car. He’ll follow in a separate vehicle, which means a handoff to one of his drivers. “Be safe,” he says noncommittally as I get into the back of another town car driven by Barry this time.

I’m going in unarmed. No doubt there is no place on my body I’d be able to hide a piece where Drago won’t search me. Besides, he’ll expect the gun. He might not expect the ring I’m wearing on the same hand as the bracelet, which will deliver a volt of electricity strong enough to stun the man. Fingers crossed it all goes well.

Barry stays silent in the front seat and all through our trip to the cemetery.