Page 79 of Bitter Lies

“I have our people following a few leads on last known places we’ve seen Drago and some of his men, but so far, nothing is turning up,” Carter adds. He tucks his cell discreetly back into his pocket.

“What if we access the bugs I left? I made sure to stash one somewhere he wouldn’t find it.”

“And it won’t help if you left it at his house, you fucking idiot. If he’s changed locations, then there’s no way for us to find him,” Mia snaps. “No doubt the number he’s texted you from is a burner and long since disposed of.”

“Don’t.” Ricardo is quiet, his voice threatening. “Don’t talk to her that way.”

Mia whips around and points. “She isn’t even supposed to be here. You’ll have to pardon me a little fucking fury at trying so hard to save someone who doesn’t want to be saved.”

She said the same thing to me once before, and I’d erupted. Now the point lands home with a dull, powerful thud because she’s right.

“I made my choice the same way you did, and my choice was to be in. So, what are we going to do?” It’s work to stiffen the upper lip to keep from letting the tears from leaking through when they’re adamant to be set free.

It’s impossible to be angry with her anymore. I’m a fucking idiot on so many levels, but I have one thing going for me that everyone seems to discount: I’ve got heart. Determination. And there is no way I’m going to let the things I don’t know stop me from protecting my family.

“The way I see it, we have two main goals, and they go hand in hand. We find Daddy, and we locate Drago, and we end him,” I continue. “Tell me what to do and where to go, and I’ll do it.”

“At this point, we have to work with what we have. I’ll pull some strings and see who we can get on the case immediately. Your tech guys will no doubt be the best ones to track Drago. See if they can get a handle on his movements.” Carter pushes out of the room.

“And Daddy?”

“I already have people looking for him. As of right now, we narrow the focus further. We target Drago Prokhor before he officially passes off your ownership. It’s not a done deal, and we need to make sure the transaction doesn’t go through. Because there is no way I’m attending another one of those auctions.” Mia shudders. “And there is no way I’m letting you go to one, either.”

“What do you mean, auction?” The word catches on some rough spot inside of me.

“I mean, there are places where people can go to bid on anything, including people,” Mia says. “And the ones with the fattest wallets are not always the nicest. If you know what I mean.”

Ricardo slams his palm hard against a cabinet. “It’s disgusting and depraved, and the man Drago plans to pass you off to is one of the worst in the business. A flesh trader. He’ll keep you only until he’s done with you, and then he’ll sell you at auction. We need to make sure it never gets to that point. Ever.”



The flash of terror across Isabella’s face is warranted. As much as I want to spare her from the pain, it’s best that she knows.

Drago no doubt carefully chose his successor in this way.

Froderick Angelo went by the nickname the bloody fleshman because that was exactly how his girls showed up at auction. They were colored with visible bruises and half dead when they went on stage. No doubt Drago did it as a last fuck-you gesture to the Balestra clan and me.

If I were a normal man, I would have gone in there with guns blazing.

Now she sits at the table with her cheeks pale, and she hasn’t spoken for too long. I’d tried, and Mia tried almost everything to get Isabella to keep her distance, but she hadn’t budged. Like it or not, after this point, there would be no going back for her. She was a part of the syndicate for good.

“Take Isabella to site C and lay low for a while. Wait for my signal. When we’re ready to move, I’ll let you know,” Carter mutters to me once the girls leave the room.

I shake my head. “She’s not going to want to listen.”

“This time, she will. It’s her father on the line, the one person she’s not willing to gamble with.”

“I hope you’re right,” I reply with a groan.

I’m madder than I want to admit. At myself, at the situation, and most of all at the piece of shit fucking Drago for the manipulation. If Isabella hadn’t been involved, I might actually admire the prick for his effectiveness.

He did a great job of looping us into position, exactly where he wanted us all to be. And with minimal effort as well. No casualties on his part, as far as I can tell.

I think about it on the way to the car, holding the door open for Isabella and waiting until she’s settled in the seat with the belt across her chest before I let it close. Drago hasn’t suffered any casualties yet outside of the one man I shot on accident. It’s all about to change.

I palm the keys, dropping into the seat, and jamming them into the ignition before gunning it down the driveway. I’d be able to actually do what I want to do, which is rip the fat asshole apart with my bare hands and dance in his blood. Never been much of a dancer myself, but I’d paint the stages of my club red and watch the girls go to town. Maybe use his guts for boas.