Page 32 of Bitter Lies

“If he’s supposed to contact me, then when do you think his invitation will be extended?” I want to know. “We do not have free time tonight.”

“I have no idea when the letter will come in the mail. However, I will be sending off a few texts of my own tonight and will set up the meeting myself. Tomorrow, at the earliest, if I have to guess.”

I finish off the last of the fruit and drain the espresso as well. “You sound self-assured,” I say.

“You’ll do everything I say when we’re there, Isabella. There will be no deviation from the plan.” Ricardo’s voice goes hard.

“I haven’t heard of a plan yet.”

“Then you haven’t been paying attention,” he replies.

“Once we’re inside—” I start.

“Expect the unexpected. We will not be allowed to bring guards inside, but he will surely have enough of his own man to stack the decks against us. You will be expected to do only what he tells you. I will be there to make sure he doesn’t keep you.”

My eyes bulge. “Keep me?”

Ricardo nods and says, “Once you're inside his house, only a fool will let you out again.”

“Then why are we jumping the gun on this? Maybe we need more time.”

I certainly do, to prepare mentally. My stomach curdles at the thought of Drago, who I thought was a sweet older man, trying to touch me.

“He will not allow you more time, either. You are a debt he will come to collect, and he is well within his rights to do so.” Ricardo taps his fingers on his knees before he stares at me sidelong, his lips a thin line. “So what we need to do once we’re inside is figure out a way to ensure he cannot keep you. Leave it to me. Let me do the bulk of the talking. One wrong word, and you may inadvertently agree to something else.”

There’s no arguing with him there, sadly. I’m at a complete loss. I groan, gritting my teeth together. “I really fucking hate how we’re talking about me like I’m not human but a toy. Or a dog.”

“You are a commodity,” Ricardo corrects. “One he will hope to trade for more power. You alone can only give him what’s between your legs since he knows as well as anyone else that you aren’t close enough to the heart of the business to offer him information.”

Information. That’s why I’m willing to go in like this, even though there is a small voice in the back of my head telling me this is suicide.

Funny, how I’ve wanted to be seen by my family and peers, how I’ve wanted to be a part of things as long as I can remember. And now, the opportunity is staring me right in the face, and the kernel of terror is growing. If I stare at it too long, then it gets larger and louder.

“Will it help you to know I don’t consider you a toy or a dog?” Ricardo asks, not unkindly. “Useless, maybe, but beautiful.”

Like a China doll, sure. “You’ve always treated me that way, so don’t do me any favors now by going back on your word.” The words drop like venom from a snake fang.

Ricardo’s mouth twitches in a quick, cold smile before resuming its neutral position. “What you must think of me.”

“You have no idea what I think of you,” I reply.

“I know you want to fuck me.”

My hands are steady as I lift the cup to drain my water as well. “You think every woman wants to fuck you.”

His smile is warmer this time. “And men, too.”

The conversation is downgrading fast, and if we give it enough time, it will go the usual route. One I’m too tired to navigate. I lean against the back of the leather lounge as exhaustion presses down. “Take me home, Ricardo. Please take me home.”

If he wants to know why I’m so eager to escape, he keeps his lips zipped. Less than an hour later, I’m standing under the scalding spray of my own shower, letting the jet of water beat down on my tense shoulders.

Mom tried her best to corner me on my way upstairs, but I’ve learned the hard way over the years how to avoid her. You have to give her too much attention. Stare her directly in the face until she gets uncomfortable and then leaves on her own.

I sigh, dropping my head against the warm tiles.

No one else came knocking on my door, and I’m grateful for it, needing the breathing room.

That’s why I’d gone out to the club in the first place. Hindsight being what it is, I had just wanted to let loose, to go where no one knew me, where they couldn’t prejudge.