“Because you’re a man!”

“Baby, I’ve traveled the world and seen a whole lot of stuff. Our people have been dealt a fucked-up hand nearly everywhere in the diaspora. We ain’t got time to be beefing over shit like sexual orientation or gender identity. Britta being transgender ain’t aherproblem. It’s a problem for folks who see it as a problem. She loves you, has been there for you. That’s all I care about.”

And there I was, thinking I couldn’t love this man any deeper.

“My mom…she hates her and hates that I love her,” I shared.

“I’m sure she feels betrayed since they obviously had some sort of relationship before the transition, but it ain’t your job to referee that shit. What’s between them is not your business, baby.”

I nodded, casting my gaze out the windshield to keep from dropping my head in this man’s lap and Hoovering his dick with my daughter in the backseat.


“I don’t want you to go,” Brooklyn said into the darkness. I could feel her warm breath grazing my chest as I held her in my arms.

“I know. I don’t wanna leave you, but I manage one of the biggest R&B stars on the planet. Can’t do it all from here. Gotta be on location for this show. I’ll leave tomorrow and be back in a couple days.”

“I know. I’m gonna miss you though.”

“You could come. So could Boss Lady.”

“You know she’s at her dad’s this week, and I have a job. Even though you’ve been refusing to let me pay my own bills now, I wanna keep it. I actually like it. Never thought I’d say that about a job.”

I chuckled, sliding my hand down her bare back. “You got me shacking up with you over my boss lady and you thought I wasn’t gon’ handle the bills? Come on, now. I’ma old school nigga.”

“Old school and fine as hell.”

“I know that’s right. Getting my sexy back now, too.”

She rubbed her hand over my expanding stomach. “Mm-hmm. I’ma have to start calling you Big Papa.”

“Shiiiiid, you shouldabeencalling me that with this got damn python I be putting on your ass.”

“Yesterday it was a boa constrictor.”

“That too.”

We both laughed and I said, “Get up and get dressed. I wanna show you something.”

“Since when I gotta get dressed for dick?”

“Woman, get your ass up. We going somewhere.”

“Now? It’s almost eleven at night!”

“I know. Just trust me.”

It took about thirty minutes in the almost nonexistent night traffic to make it to our destination, a huge plot of land on the edge of town. Stepping out of Old Rusty, I headed to the passenger side and opened the door for Brooklyn, whose face bore pure confusion.

Taking her hand, I stepped into the newly broken ground. “This is our land. I’m having a house built on it for us. I’ve met with the builder and chosen the basics—four bedrooms, two baths, an office for me, etcetera. I’ll need you to handle the interior details. So, what do you think?”

She was silent, her eyes fixed on the land before us illuminated by the truck’s headlights. Then I heard a sniffle.

“Baby, you crying?” I asked.

Turning to face me, she nodded.

“Aw, shit. Don’t do that. You’re gonna make me cry and you know I hate crying. It’s fucking weird for me to cry out of an empty eye socket.”