“No, I’d say you were the right amount of thick, but I like you like you are now—slimmer but just big enough to intimidate people. You’re too pretty to be thin.”

“So you think I’m pretty with a glass eye?”

“I think you’re pretty with a glass eye, no eyes, an eye on your neck, an eye on your ass. Don’t matter. You are everything, Vann London.”

I leaned in and softly kissed her full lips. “You sure you don’t wanna go to the Johnny Gill concert tonight?”

“Positive. I’m tired from…everything that went down today. The game, the drama…”

“I feel you.”

She settled against me again, a beat or two of silence passing before she said, “Vann, can I ask you something?”

“Yeah. Anything.”

“Would you really have cut Sharla off if she hadn’t come around?”

“Absolutely, I choose you over everything, remember? I mean it. I’m a man of my word, Brooklyn Skye.”

She stared at me, emotion filling her eyes, and I stared back. Then she wordlessly stood from the sofa, dropping to her knees in front of me, coaxing my legs open to make room for her body. With rapt attention, I watched her undo my pants. I lifted my ass as she pulled my pants and underwear down my legs, tossing both to the side. Bare-assed on her leather sofa, I groaned when she wrapped her warm hand around my dick, damn near screamed like a bitch when she took me in her mouth. My neck collapsed, eyes shut, hand moved on its own, finding a home on the back of her head as she licked and slurped and swallowed me whole, gagging loudly. Lifting my head, I looked down at her, the vision before me breathtaking. She pleased me with her eyes shut, humming her pleasure as she stroked and sucked me messily, saliva dripping down her chin. I shouldn’t have looked. I should’ve kept my eyes closed because seeing her before me like that brought an end to things far before I was ready.

“Shhhhhhit, baby! Fuck! I’m about to—”

She sucked harder, and that was it. I exploded and collapsed against the back of the sofa in a heap of numb limbs. I heard her move, felt her rain kisses all over my face, and as her lips hovered over mine, her breath smelling of my essence, she said, “Thank you. Thank you for choosing me over everything else.”

I kissed her hard, snatching my own breath from my lungs before I stopped and asked through a groan, “What the fuck is the name of the perfume you wear?”

“Donna by Valentino. About to run out of it. Can’t afford it anymore.”

“Nah, I’m about to buy you a bushel of it,” I said, before going in for another kiss.



He looked nervous.

Sexy, but nervous.

Standing on the other side of my open front door, Vann wore khaki pants and a burgundy shirt, his face bearing uncertainty as he shoved his big hands in his pants pockets. A shadow of hair covered his head, and I kind of missed the baldness.

“Hey,” he said giving me a tiny smile.

“Hey. You look good. You smell good, too.” I lowered my voice to a whisper. “I’ma have to work hard not to jump your bones with my baby here. I miss being able to roll over and get it whenever I want, but I know it was best for you to go back to Sharla’s until you get to know Bailey.”

His eyebrows shot up. “You better not because I ain’t gone have the strength to stop you and what kind of impression would that make on her? I’m already working with just one eye here.”

I rolled my eyes. “You can’t even tell with the prosthesis in place. Come on in.”

He followed me inside, remaining by the door until I said, “Vann sit your ass down and stop acting like that. You’re meeting a six-year-old not a damn assassin.”

“What if she doesn’t like me?” he asked.

“She will if you re-damn-lax! Let me go get her.”

He nodded, and a minute or so later, I returned to the living room with my mini me dressed in a red sequined dress and rhinestone tiara. We were interrupting her rehearsal of Whitney Houston’sQueen of the Nightin her bedroom.

“Vann, this is my baby girl, Bailey. Bailey, this is my special friend I told you about, Mr. Vann.”