“Not much that I can remember other than you love me.” He leaned in close, nuzzling my neck before kissing it and then my lips. “Thank you for giving us a chance.”

“You’re welcome,” I nearly whispered.

“Can I see you tomorrow after work when I don’t have to babysit?” he asked, nodding his head backwards toward his vehicle.

I laughed, kissed him softly on the lips, and said, “Absolutely.”



Iwoke up the next morning to anI love youtext from Vann, quickly shot a reciprocal text back to him, and floated through my morning routine right into work. The entire morning, thoughts danced in my mind of seeing my old friend—his dick—that night, and I prayed that thing was still in working order, but honestly, it wouldn’t matter. I loved that man enough to try my best to make things work anyway. Still, I damn near prayed I’d get to experience what rocked my world all those years ago.

I had lunch in the student center, grabbing a salad from the little store inside that sold everything from phone chargers to pre-packaged sandwiches. I sat down to eat at one of the many tables scattered throughout the first floor of the building, which was one of the newer structures on the Romey U campus, having been rebuilt about five years earlier. Named after Linus Berry, who assisted his future wife, Mary Romey, in establishing the school, it was three stories of shiny windows, brick, and steel, and in my opinion, looked out of place among the older, red-bricked buildings around it.

After lunch, I headed back to Opal Hall and had barely settled my butt back at my desk when my cell buzzed in my hand—my mother. Instantly, my lunch felt leaden in my stomach, I stared at the phone, at her name as it lit up the screen, and right before it disappeared, I answered the call.

My “hello” was affectless.

“Hello,” she returned, “Brooklyn?”


“Oh, you didn’t sound like yourself.”

Nothing from me.

The thing with my mother was, as I’d finally come to realize, that I felt betrayed, but not in amy mom fucked and married my exway, but in more of amy relative fucked and married my exway. Like, it bothered me, but it didn’t keep me up at night. Still, I found it hard to communicate with her because we’d never been genuinely close anyway. I loved her, appreciated her as one would their mother, but could admit that I resented her for shutting my father out when letting him participate in my upbringing could’ve possibly saved me from growing up in poverty.

“Um, I would like to talk to you. Maybe we could have lunch? There’s so much I need to say. So much I’d like for you to hear.”

My stony little heart thudded in my chest and before I could stop her, the little girl inside me said, “Okay, when?”

Lunch date made, we ended the call, and I clicked the mouse to wake my computer up only to receive another call, this one on the office phone. An internal call from Sharla. I answered with my standard, “Yes, boss?”

“Brooklyn, I need you in my office.Now.” Her voice was clipped, and she hung up before I could say okay.

Sighing, I grabbed my work-issued tablet and stylus pen, leaving my desk while wondering who had pissed her off today. Knocking and then easing her door open, I quickly saw the answer to that question. Seated in one of the two chairs that made their home in front of her big desk, was Vann London.


I watched as Brooklyn’s eyes widened upon seeing me. She held what looked like a tablet tightly against her chest and licked her lips, an act I knew wasn’t meant to be erotic, but still made my dick twitch.

“Uh…you wanted to see me?” she said, addressing my sister who sat there looking like a ticking time bomb.

“Yes, have a seat next to my brother please, you turncoat. He’s been telling me all about how you two been fucking for years and behind my damn back.”

Brooklyn didn’t sit; instead, shooting an incredulous look at me. “You told her?”

“Yes, he told me. He told me how one of my two best friends has been fucking my brother for more than a decade!” Sharla said before I could respond.

“That’s not what I said. I said we started fucking thirteen years ago, stopped the next year, and how I plan to start back tonight.” And I meant that. On God, I did.

“You told her you plan on screwing me tonight?!” Brooklyn shrieked.

“Yes he fucking did,” Sharla confirmed. “And I wanna know why you didn’t tell me!”

“About us potentially fucking tonight?” Brooklyn asked, brow furrowed.