“Oh, I guess maybe they did come off as weird. Uh, Jovani told me he thought you two had something going on or that Vann likes you. I figured he was mistaken about you two being together because Vann isn’t even your type. But I could see him wanting you. I mean youarebeautiful, always have been. Shit, for a minute, I thought y’all were messing around with each other back in the day.”

“You-you did?”

“Yeah, but anyway, I just wanted to see if he’d said anything out of the way to you.”

Unsure of where she was going with this, I asked, “Out of the way?”

“Yeah. I love my brother, but I know him and I recognize he’s been through a lot. I wouldn’t want him to use you for comfort because he’s vulnerable right now. He’s a handsome guy and he knows how to work his magic on women. He also knows how to break hearts. I know you’re just getting your life back together and I don’t wanna have to kick his ass for hurting you.”

Too late, I thought, but said, “Oh. Okay...”

“Yeah, so that’s it?”

“Yes, that’s it.”

“Good. I need to head out. Meeting Jovani for lunch.”

I nodded. “Have a good time.”



“You look re-damn-diculous, you know that?” I growled.

He shrugged, his eyes hidden behind dark shades. “But you gotta admit I look unrecognizable.”

“Naw, you look like arecognizablelunatic. You just happened to have a Jheri curl wig in your luggage?”

“No, your sister ran out and got it for me.”

“Oh, I forgot y’all are besties since she got over being your fan. I knew she would once she saw how goofy your ass is.”

“Whatever, ole hating ass dude.”

“Looking like a broke Randy Watson…” I muttered.

“But do I look like Messiah?”


“Then mission accomplished. No need for security. Damn, it’s a gang of folks out here. Is it always this crowded? How you gonna find your sunshine? She’s already here, right?”

“Yeah,” I said, holding up my phone, “she texted me telling me where she’s at.”

We trudged our way from the parking lot through the throng of alumni, students, and friends, eventually making it to the perimeter of the flames. I spotted her standing right where she said she’d be, looking gorgeous in jeans and a Romey U alumni t-shirt. She was laughing, and she wasn’t alone.

I’d stopped walking, my gaze fixed on her and this Jamaal motherfucker.

“You spotted her?” Messiah asked.

“Yeah,” I bit out.

“Aw, shit. What’s up?”

Before I could answer him, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, pulled it out, and saw a text on the screen from an unknown number:Vann, this is your dad. I got your number from V. I really need to talk to you. Please call me.

Frowning, I slid my phone back in my pocket. I didn’t have time for that shit right now.