I was grinning when he stuck his head in the door and said, “I’m glad to see you, too!”

“Ain’t nobody smiling at your big goofy ass,” I said, typing out thank you and hitting send.

Messiah plopped down on a chair sitting in the corner of the room. “You know, it’s jacked up you gave me,a guest, the couch but it’s pretty comfortable.”

“Motherfucker, I’m a guest, too! Shoulda stayed your ass in that suite at the Sable Inn.”

“This how you talk to all your clients? Gone get your ass fired.”

“Your annoying ass is myonlyclient, and you know it!”

He grinned. “And I can see why. When you gone take me around Romey?”

“You wanna walk around this town without security? You wanna deal with that?” I asked, sitting up on the side of the bed.

“Why we can’t hire them niggas that did security at the benefit?”

Scratching my forehead, I sighed. Messiah really was like a slightly younger brother to me, but I couldn’t focus on his ass while I was trying to get the love of my life back permanently. “I guess we can do that. What you tryna get into?”

“I don’t know. Take me to some homecoming shit since it’s supposed to be so lit.”

“Tonight’s the bonfire. It’s outdoors and there’ll be a ton of folks there. Crowd control will be a nightmare. Let me think of something else…”

“Nah, I wanna go to that! I’ll be incognito with it.”

“With bodyguards?”


Another sigh from me. “I’m kinda meeting someone there, man.”

“Who? Ohhhhhh, your sunshine? I know you said she lives here,” he said, referring to a conversation we’d had right after we first met. We were discussing old black movies andHarlem Nightscame up, which led to a discussion of the characters. He brought up Sunshine, said he’d never experienced a woman like that. I told him I had but only once.

“Yeah,” I admitted.

“So what you’re saying is, I’m cock blocking?”



I smiled faintly as I read over the text thread again, excited about seeing Vann at the bonfire but still gun shy about truly opening my heart to him. Lying my phone down, I stood from my desk and crossed the space to my boss’s door, needing to ask a burning question,

“Come in,” she called.

Upon opening the door, I heard the tail end of something she was listening to on her computer. “Am I interrupting something? I can come back,” I said.

“No, just watching some Mississippi news on YouTube,” she said flatly.

Sinking into a chair situated in front of her desk, I asked, “Bad news?”

“Dumb news,” she sighed. “Apparently, the governor is poised to sign some new voting rights reform bill that’s making its way through the state legislature into law.”

“Let me guess, it makes it harder for folks who look like us to vote?”

“Bingo! And it’s especially disappointing to think this particular governor would even consider doing this. But enough of that. What do you need from me?”

Crossing my legs at the ankles, I said, “What was with the questions you asked me about Vann last night?”