“I can’t do that.”

“You don’t wanna be with me?” I asked, holding my breath.

“I do. I want that more than anything. I think about it all the time. Can’t you just stay here? We can get jobs and a place and—”



“No, I can’t stay here in the states.”

“So, you don’t wanna be with me?” She wasn’t mocking me, but it felt like it.

“I just said I did. I’m tryna take you with me, ain’t I? I love you!”

“But not enough to stay and make a real life with me.”

“A real life? We can make a real life anywhere, Brooklyn.”

“But not here.”

“No, not here.”

She sighed, leaning over me to turn the lamp on. Her eyes were glossy.

My damn heart was breaking. “Brooklyn…”

She shook her head. “It’s okay. I’m used to this.”

With deep grooves in my forehead, I asked, “You’re used to what?”

“Being disappointed.”

“You don’t have to be. Just come with me. I’ll pay for everything. I’ll work ten jobs: I just wantyou.”

“Then stay.”

Nothing from me.

“You haven’t even told your sister about us.”

“Neither have you.”

“You’re her big brother. You should be the one to tell her!”

“You scared of her?”

“Areyouscared of her?”

“Hell, no! I’ll call her now and tell her if that’s what you want. Is that what I need to do for you to leave with me?”

“No! I want you to stay here with me! For once, I want to be important enough for someone to choose me over everything else!” she shouted.

“I…I’m sorry.”

Tears fell from her eyes as she smiled weakly. “It’s okay. You told me this wouldn’t be anything, remember?‘If I fuck you, you’re going to expect more from me. If I fuck you, I won’t be your man. I ain’t looking for relationships or love, but I will make you feel good. That’s a promise.’You were right. You did make me feel good…until now.Go.”

Hearing my words used as a weapon against me stung like a motherfucker. Witnessing her pain, pain I’d caused tore at my soul. “Brooklyn—”