“I made her ass come becausefuck that,” Jovani said.

I laughed as Sharla rolled her eyes.

“Hey, Brooklyn, I need to ask you something,” Sharla said rather abruptly.

Before I could reply, Sharla was climbing up the bleachers and sitting next to me. She’d opened her mouth to say something when the gym lights dimmed. Rolling her eyes, she held up her cell and began typing. A few seconds later, a message popped up on my phone:How’ve you been feeling?

Well, this was weird. I saw her at work earlier that day and we’d talked off and on until the day had ended.

As majestic music filled the huge space, I replied:I’m good. Why?

Sharla:How were things when Vann took you home? I’ve been meaning to ask you about that.

Me:It was fine. It was kind of him to drive me home. I really appreciated it.


“Ladies, gentlemen, students, alumni, and friends! Welcome to our coronation! Please stand as we receive our royal court,” the MC said.

The coronation commenced, beginning with the talent showcase, and although I’d always loved this part of homecoming, I found it hard to concentrate with Vann sitting feet away from me. Plus, I kept feeling his eyes on me. And then there were Sharla’s questions. What was that about? Did she know about me and Vann, our past. I never told her because I didn’t think there was anything to tell. We fucked…a lot. Feelings developed but we went nowhere.

Absolutely nowhere.

I’d believed Vann hadn’t told her either although I didn’t know his reasoning. I didn’t think that had changed, but something was obviously up.

A beautiful younglady from Memphis was crowned Miss Romey University, with her runner-up, a native of Jackson, Mississippi, being crowned Homecoming Queen. As the ceremony ended, blinding lights popped back on, reflecting off the gym floor. My friends stood to leave, and we all filed out of the gym, hugging one another in the lobby before heading out to our cars in the parking lot. I’d just opened my car door when a voice said, “You mad at me about something, Brooklyn Skye?”

I jumped, my heart thumping fiercely. “The fuck! Did you follow me?”

“Yes,” he replied as if this shit wasn’t weird. “I saw you last night. You were…you were incredible; why didn’t I know you could sing?”

With my hand resting on my chest, I fought to calm my nerves. “Um, weren’t you at my college graduation? I mean, granted, you were there for Sharla and not me, but didn’t you notice them announcing my degree in vocal performance?”

He shrugged. “Yes, but I always think people who major in that sing opera or something.”

“I see. Well, thanks for the compliment on my karaoke performance.”

“You’re welcome. It reminded me of the first time I saw you dance with the band. Took my breath away.”

My heart lurched. “Really?”


“Hmmm, I’m surprised you even noticed me.”

He frowned and I really took a good look at him; that prosthetic eye was so realistic. “Why wouldn’t I have noticed you?” he countered.

“You were on a date. Shouldn’t she have received your undivided attention?”

“Date?” His frown deepened.

“The chick you were sitting and laughing with. Tall, pretty, brown skin, red hair?”

The frown quickly metamorphosed into a smile. “That was Princess, myclassmate.”

“Classmate, fuckmate, whatever.”

He fixed his attention on me, leaning against the side of my vehicle. “You’re…jealous? Is that why you ran up out of that club last night?”