“Yes she will.Yes she will. We had a falling out a couple years back and it took me forever to get her to talk to me again. She will totally fire me. I need to call her. I can’t lose this job!” I’d raised my voice, causing my own head to pound, and that didn’t get any better as I visually searched for my cell phone.

“Hey, listen,” he said, placing a big hand on my leg through the comforter. That was when I realized I still had on last night’s clothes. I’d slept in a ten-thousand-dollar dress. “My sister told me she was giving you the day off when we were leaving last night.”

“Oh. Are you sure?”

“I’m positive. I was sober.”

Silence settled around us until I asked, “And you’re sure I didn’t do or say anything to embarrass myself while I was drunk?”

He stared at me, that one eye still clamped shut. “You didn’t. I promise.”

I nodded.

“Uh, I should go. You need anything? Want me to make you some coffee, breakfast?”

“No, no. You’ve done more than enough making sure I made it home safely. I take it my car is still on campus?”

“No,mycar is, or rather, my mom’s car—truck.”

“Then how will you—”

“Uber. You need anything before I go?” he repeated.

“No, I’m fine. Thank you, Vann.”

He smiled at me as he stood from the bed, still looking scrumptious even in his wrinkled suit. “You’re welcome.”

Lettingmy eyes crawl up from the binder I’d been flipping through to my aunt, I frowned. “Why are you staring at me?” I asked.

“Because I can’t believe it. That’s the karaoke book,” she replied.

“I know, and it’s karaoke night here at Geneva’s, right?”

“Right. So…you’re going to sing? Here? Tonight?”

“Isn’t that what I said when I arrived? What’s the big deal?” I rolled my eyes as I took a swig of my virgin daiquiri. I was still sobering up and probably should’ve had my ass at home, but all that was there were thoughts of Vann.

Vann, Vann, fucking Vann!

Sitting around with nothing but thoughts of him to keep me company was going to give me a worse headache than the one I’d woken up with.

“First of all, I will knock those eyes to the back of your head if you roll them at me again. Second, when’s the last time you sang in public? Actually, when’s the last time you sang,period?”

I shrugged. “It’s been a few years. Just haven’t felt like it.”

“Because you sing when you’re happy, right? So who or what made you happy?”

I’d dropped my eyes back to the binder, my eyes widening at a song on the seemingly never-ending list. “I’m gonna do this one!”

Britta’s eyes followed my finger and a smile spread across her face. “Oh, that’s perfect. I’ll have the DJ cue it up. You get that voice ready to wow this little homecoming crowd.”

As was the case every year during homecoming, business boomed for many of the Romey establishments, whether they held official events or not. Geneva’s was no different. The “little” crowd she spoke of wasn’t little at all, but I was ready. I’d missed singing.

And as far as the question I’d purposely left unanswered? Well, as the fog in my mind cleared, I’d remembered something from last night. I remembered drunkenly telling Vann I loved him and him reciprocating.Thatwas what made me happy.Hemade me happy.


I decided to attend a mixer sponsored by my graduating class after getting in some good sleep back at my sister’s cottage. Sleeping on Brooklyn’s floor had fucked me up. I was really beginning to feel my age.