She proudly beamed at me before a frown marred her pretty face. “It wasn’t too good since my ex turned around and married my mother.”

The fuck?

“And…and…and it’s not good enough for you to like me. Why didn’t you like me like I liked you?”

“I…I did. I was just…my head was messed up. I’m so sorry. I really am, Brooklyn.”

Another glance over at her and she was fast asleep. I sighed, fighting the tightness in my chest as I drove her home.

She woke up just as I laid her in her bed, smiling up at me with sleepy eyes. “I love you, Vann.”

She was drunk, so I had to wonder if she really knew what she was saying, but I definitely knew what I was saying when I replied, “I love you, too.”


I broke into consciousness with a blinding headache, the events of the previous night murky at best. I remembered getting dressed and going to the benefit. I remembered Vann sitting next to me. I remembered drinking…a lot, so much, evidently, that I couldn’t remember anything else.How did I get home and in my bed? Did I drive?

I sprung up in bed, suddenly worried about the condition of my vehicle. Had I hit someone or something on the way home? Oh, Lord…did I kill someone?

My eyes swept my bedroom, and although I barely moved my head, dizziness attacked me. Closing my eyes, I sat still for a moment, and when I opened them again, they fell on the body lying on the floor beside me, thebigbody lying on the floor. Bald head, wheat colored skin—Vann. What was Vann doing here and on the floor asleep? Wait,washe asleep?

Or was he dead? And if he was dead, how did he get that way?

Oh, shit! I killed Vann!

Now I was paralyzed with fear and grief and regret and confusion. Why would I kill Vann? I actually loved the motherfucker. Did he break my heart? Yes, but I didn’t want him dead, did I?

I needed to call someone. The police? Hell no! I couldn’t go to jail. I had a daughter to raise.

“Oh, Vann. I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I’m so sorry.”

“You’re up. How do you feel?”

My eyes fell from where they’d been focused on a far wall to the floor beside me to see Vann lying on his back smiling up at me with his lost eye tightly shut making him appear to wink at me,.

Shit, I thought,it’s his ghost. In response to his words, I burst into tears and whimpered, “I didn’t mean to kill youuuuu. You’re gonna haunt me forever nowwwww.”

He was on his feet and sitting beside me on the bed in seconds, concern on his handsome face, “Hey, hey, you didn’t kill me. I’m not dead, baby,” he crooned.

I shook my head, refusing to look at him. “Then why were you on the floor? I must’ve at least knocked you out and I’m sorry. I can’t remember a damn thing!”

“You were drunk, and I drove you home. I stayed to make sure you were okay, slept on the floor. I’m fine. I promise, or as fine as I can be, considering.” He pointed to his closed eye.

I stared at him for a moment before saying, “Thank you for bringing me home.”

“No problem.”

“Um…did I do or say anything crazy?”

He shook his head. “No, you didn’t.”

I nodded and dropped my eyes before lifting them to his face again. “What time is it?”

He looked at his watch. “Ten. We missed the alumni breakfast and you’re late for work.”

“I’m gonna get fired,” I groaned.

“My sister isn’t going to fire you,” he said, sounding very sure of that statement.