“A’ight,” he said, tipping my chin up with his finger and kissing my lips. “Later.” Then he left for his own car, waving at Vann as he went.

Swallowing hard, I made my way to Vann, stopping just short of entering his personal space. Then we just stared at each other for a moment before he finally said, “That was your man?”

“Yes. His name is Jamaal.”

“I didn’t ask you what his name is. I don’t care what his name is,” he bit out.

Tilting my head to the side, I nodded. “Just thought I’d share. Why are you here?”

His eyes narrowed. “Obviously, for you.”

“And what do you want from me, Vann?”

“Ride with me.”

To my shame, I said, “Okay.”

We’d barely madeit into his hotel room before he was on me, slamming me against the closed door, clutching my face in one big hand as he kissed me, playing my crotch through my sweatpants with the other. I moaned, my arms limp at my sides as my senses went wild. He smelled like him, like I’d remembered him smelling, a masculine mix of pheromones and cologne. His hand was rough as he clutched my cheeks, his body hot as it crowded mine. It all felt so damn good and familiar and like something I dreamed of experiencing again. Maybe that was because I had. I’d spent many nights in the year since I’d seen him shuddering at the mere thought of feeling him inside me again. A foolish fantasy being as I knew our encounter was casual. He’d made that clear, but in my mind, it had to be more.

It surely felt like more.

Ending the kiss, he stared at me, gray eyes seemingly penetrating my damn soul.

“Let me guess,” I said through heaving breaths, “you missed me.”

“No, I missed the shit out of you, BK.”

I smiled at hearing that nickname again.

“You miss me, or has Kashmir been occupying all your time?”

My smile widened. “You’re jealous. Well, two things can be true simultaneously, Vann London. I can miss you while Jamaal occupies my time. Similar to how you’ve missed me while I’m sure several Brazilian women have occupied yours.”

“Humph,” he grunted, moving in for another kiss.

What the fuck was this besides crazy? Oh, I knew it was passion and lust, and in a few moments, it would morph into some ridiculously good sex, but what was thisreally? Because I’d never experienced anything like it before, and I’d already had my fair share of sexual partners.

But this was more than sex...wasn’t it?

He tugged at the waistband of my pants and said into my mouth, “Take this shit off.”

“You take it off me if you want it off.”

He backed away from me a bit, pupils dilated, mouth open.Yeah, I thought,BK’s grown up since you last saw her.

Yanking my pants down my legs, then my panties, he fell to his knees, grasping my bare ass in his hands and pulling me closer. He smushed his face against the hairy “V” below my navel, inhaling deeply and making me whimper softly as I dug my fingers into the thick carpet of wavy hair that was now cut short.

“Does he eat your pussy?” he asked, his voice a southern drawl of a rumble.

“What?” I asked, looking down to see him staring at my pussy. “Who?”

“Your man.”

Damn, he reallywasjealous. That thought sent a shiver scurrying down my spine.

“Sometimes,” I admitted.

A low growl left his mouth as he stood, picking me up with little effort and placing me on the bed. Then his head was between my legs and my hands instinctively slipped under my t-shirt to find my breasts. Closing my eyes, I pinched my nipples as he licked and slurped and fingered me, sensations of immense pleasure inundating me. The aching pressure inside me began to build in seconds, compounding and growing and swelling until—