Britta gave me a look that told me we would continue our discussion later, and I knew we definitely would.


She smelled the same.

Not whatever perfume she was wearing the other night, but the natural scent that hypnotized my ass all those years earlier. More than that, her reaction to me, sent my mind back to that time, to when I worked hard to memorize every inch of her body from the crown of her head to her feet. For lack of a better word, she was shook. I could tell she was shook, but hell, so was I.

And just what in the fuck did that mean?

I’d never understood the things I felt around Brooklyn, from the first time I touched her. I didn’t understand it and I didn’t like it. It made me feel uncomfortable and weak. She made me feel helpless, like I had no command of my emotions or actions. I honestly couldn’t control myself around her and I hated that shit.

From my seat on the side of the bed in my temporary little home on Sharla’s property, I heard a knock at the front door and made the few steps through the living room to open it. On the other side stood Jovani.

“Hey, my dad brought a shitload of breakfast over. I came to see if you want some.”

My first instinct was to say no, but my ass was hungry, and I knew for sure his dad could burn. Plus, at least I wouldn’t be holed up in this cottage thinking about someone I didn’t deserve and who didn’t deserve to have to deal with me and my issues, so I said yes.

And I was quickly glad I did. French toast, t-bones, omelette, damn!

“Man, your daddy don’t play in the kitchen!” I said through a mouthful of steak. “He can give my mana a run for her money and she cancookcook!”

Jovani gave me a grin and a nod. “He can cook his ass off. Best cook I know besides your mom. Now, her chicken and dumplings? Damn!”

“Can’t nobody touch my mama’s chicken and dumplings,” I agreed.

“Yeah,” he garbled. After he’d downed some juice, he asked, “Hey, you good out back, man? Need anything? It should be pretty well-stocked but you never know.”

“Yeah, man. Everything’s good. I appreciate you and Cake for having me.”

“Anytime, anytime. You’re past due to come and kick it with us. Romey is slower than what I’m used to but in a good way. It’s a city but with a small-town feel, plus it’s predominately black so the culture here is on point.”

“Yeah, I remember that from when I was in college.”

“Riiiight. Sharla told me you’re a Romey graduate, too. You must be hyped about homecoming. It’s in a couple of weeks, right?”

Through a frown, I asked, “Is it? I hadn’t even thought about homecoming.”

“Yeah, at least that’s what Sharla told me. She drags me to the events every year, but it’s fun.”

“Yeah,” I murmured. “Homecoming is always a good time...”




Iknocked, waited, and smiled when the door flung open. It’d been a year since I’d seen her face in the flesh and my baby sister was a sight for sore eyes.

“Vann!” she squealed. “I thought you weren’t coming this year!”

She jumped into my arms and I chuckled as I caught her. “Missed you, Cake. Had to come check on you.” We talked on the phone a couple times a month, but I really did miss her.

“I’m so glad you did!” she chirped, dropping to the floor and grabbing my hand.

She’d upgraded for her senior year to a spacious one-bedroom suite in the honors dorm, so it took a little more than four steps to get to her living room.

“When did you make it to Romey?” she asked as I fell onto her low sofa, my knees damn near touching my ears.