She wanted me to stay. Shit, Iwantedto stay. But this couldn’t be a good idea. Nevertheless, I said, “I’ll go get the drinks. What kind you want?”


He was funny and smart and had all kinds of stories to tell.

“So you’ve been traveling since you graduated from here? How? I mean, that’s gotta be expensive.”

He shrugged, draining his bottle of coke before he spoke. “My...uh, father gave me some money a while back. I use that and the money I make from the jobs I get different places.”

“So it was always your dream to travel?”

“It’s always been my dream to leave Mississippi. I’m tryna figure out where I fit in this world, where I should settle.”

“You’re biracial?”

“I’m black,” he said, his words clipped.

“Okay,” I said, dragging the word out.

“What are your dreams? To be a big star?”

“Nope. My dream is much more attainable. I’m going to be a trophy wife. I want a much older, rich husband.”

“You’re serious?”

“Yep. I’m over struggling and having to work hard. Ima find me an old man and keep him happy.”

“Then why go to college?”

“The dads.”

“The dads?”

“Yep! Like for instance, it’s homecoming week and I’m tryna see if I can be one of my classmates’ step-mama.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “So you like older men. How old? Fifty? Sixty? You tryna be changing some old dude’s diapers?”

“I like olderrichmen. I’ma hire someone for diaper duty.”

He smiled. “Smart girl.”

“I like to think so.”

We both fell silent, so I decided to clean up our mess. I wasn’t tired anymore, basically rejuvenated by his presence. As I moved around gathering our trash, I could feel his eyes on me, which had my pussy thumping between my legs. He was sexy but he was my friend’s brother. Was there a code against fucking a good friend’s brother?

I was wiping the coffee table with a cloth when he said, “I guess I’ll head on out, let you get your rest.”

I looked up at him from where I was bent over the table and our eyes locked. Licking my lips, I stood erect, my eyes still glued to him. “Okay, okay. Let me walk you to the door.”

He grinned. “It’s like four steps away.”

“I know.”

Neither of us moved.

“How old are you, BK?”

I frowned. “BK?”